Telecentre-Europe at the Conference of Catalan Telecentres
More than 150 telecentre managers & ICT professionals attended the annual network meeting of the Catalan Telecentre Network Xarxa Punt TIC that...
More than 150 telecentre managers & ICT professionals attended the annual network meeting of the Catalan Telecentre Network Xarxa Punt TIC that...
Novateca, a 2-year learning grant for librarians from the Global Libraries program (Gates Foundation), will provide wide scale public...
Few issues have as acute a need for social innovation as tackling unemployment. Across European Member States millions of people are...
Telecentre-Europe invites eInclusion organizations to become the national branch for conducting the MIREIA online survey in their EU27 country. Let’s...
Representatives of Telecentre-Europe participated at the Media & Learning Conference that took place on 14-15 November in Brussels. The...
The WSIS Project Prizes is an annual contest which recognizes excellence in the implementation of projects and initiatives which further the WSIS...
On November 24th 2012, Foundation celebrated its 3rd anniversary. For this very special occasion, the above anniversary video was edited...
During a partner meeting on 20-21 November 2012 in Timisoara (Romania) the Telecentre Multimedia Academy (TMA) project has taken...
During 22-23 november 2011 the European Employment Forum is taking place in Brussels. This annual conference and exhibition focuses on the major...
During 19-20 November the kick-off meeting of the Uniting Europe through digital empowerment (Unite-IT) took place in Timisoara. Unite-IT is a 36-month network...
Telecentre-Europe has partnered with TechSoup Global to connect telecentre organizations in European countries with technology product donations, and with the free learning...
In this issue: News from Telecentre-Europe (TE): Report from TE’s Summit 17-18 October, Warsaw – TE Awards Winners 2012 – Results of...
The European conference on “Better e-Skills in Europe” will take place on January 24th 2013 in Brussels and is organised by...
The online engagement platform that was created for contribution to the Digital Agenda Assembly (DAA) in June 2012 has now been...
The European Commission in partnership with the Cyprus Presidency is hosting the Second Annual Convention of the Platform against Poverty...
In October, 48 members participated at the monthly Featured Community Contest at Telecentre-Europe’s community site and blogged, published, shared,...
Fondazione Mondo Digitale (FMD) works for an inclusive knowledge society by blending innovation, education, inclusion and fundamental values. FMD is...
Online Educa Berlin 2012 (OEB) will take place during november 28-30 and focuses on fostering a bright and inclusive future...
The 2012 Africa-EU Cooperation Forum on ICT is designed to anyone with an interest in Euro-African collaborative projects on ICT. The...
The 19th edition of the European Employment Forum (EEF) will be held in Brussels on November 27-28 featuring a range of...
The conference will discuss with policy makers and practitioners how to best shape EU support to social innovation in the...
Seema Saddy Nasser Alkabi from Oman emerged as the winner of Foundation’s first ever Twitter-based question-and-answer contest dubbed as TweetIT!. The...
At the closing of Telecentre-Europe’s Summit in Warsaw, Miguel Raimilla from Foundation announced that the next Global Forum on...
Under the title Jobs for Youth and Ageing Online, network leaders representing more then 25.000 telecentres gathered at Mercure Grand Hotel in Warsaw for...
Telecentre-Europe is very pleased to announce the winners of its Awards Competition 2012: • Learn More about ICT Network (Denmark) – FIRST PRIZE of 1200€ (ex aequo...
Today at the General Assembly, a new Managing Board of Telecentre-Europe AISBL was elected. All official member organizations (represented by one officially...
The Flemish Ministry of Education & Training is organizing the Media & Learning 2012 Conference during 14-15 November in Brussels (Belgium)....
The EU Internet Week (EUIW) will run between 12th & 16th November 2012 in Brussels with a series of events on...
On November 12-14, 2012 the European Information Society Conference (EISCO) will take place in Guimarães, Portugal. The EISCO conferences have become a...
In 2012, Fundacja TechSoup, in partnership with TechSoup Global, conducted a survey of non-profits, charities, NGOs and social benefit organizations around...
This fall, the Czech partner EPMA launches the final phase of the Innotrain IT project, which aims at increasing the effectiveness of small and...
In 2011, the Danish government agreed on an ambitious eGovernment strategy stating that by 2015, 80 % of the communication...
The UdL Digital Roundtables, organized by Stiftung Digitale Chancen, are an agenda-setting regular series of events, combining an online debate...
The German programme Inklusive Internet, carried out by Stiftung Digitale Chancen from 2009 until 2011, is appropriate for the use in...
During Get Online Week 2012 Android tablet devices (with internet flatrate and telephone function) were given for one year to...
Now that the holiday months are over, the Featured Community Contest at Telecentre-Europe’s community site is becoming ever more...
In the last couple of years, the International Aid Network (IAN) has directed the greatest part of their efforts towards empowering women. In...
With the aim of promoting active aging as well as intergenerational solidarity, the International Aid Network (IAN) organized a competition for...
Since November 2011, International Aid Network (IAN) has been conducting computer courses for inmates in the women’s prison of Serbia,...
On September 21-22, 2012, the Community Association of Telecentre Networks and Social Innovation Centres organized a workshop at Citilab Cornellà...