21 Oct Join DigComp Community of Practice (CoP)
21 Oct, 2019
ALL DIGITAL and the Ikanos Project, promoted by the Basque Government, join forces to promote the adoption and support the development of DigComp, the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens. During the EU Joint Research Center / Ikanos workshop on DigComp that took place in summer 2019 in Bilbao, it was decided to establish a European DigComp Community of Practice (CoP), which will pursue the above objectives. ALL DIGITAL will provide the online support to members of the DigComp CoP to collaborate and interact.
We are inviting all stakeholders in the field of digital inclusion to join the DigComp CoP. By joining you will have the opportunity to raise the issues that concern you, voice your opinion in discussions, participate in working groups, exchange material and experience, access good practices, learn from peers, share resources and be informed about the latest developments concerning DigComp.
If you would like to be part of this vibrant community, please fill in the registration form below.
The DigComp CoP is open to everyone, individuals and organizations alike. Feel free to invite further members by spreading the word.
We look forward to meeting you online!
If you don’t see the form below, here is the direct link to the DigComp CoP registration form.