New network of 300 telecentres launched in Georgia
On May 11, 2012, the Ministry of Justice of Georgia launched the “Computer Knowledge Society Initiative” (in Georgian, Google translate works...
On May 11, 2012, the Ministry of Justice of Georgia launched the “Computer Knowledge Society Initiative” (in Georgian, Google translate works...
Together with 600 people around the globe, members of Telecentre-Europe’s online community attended the free webinar 12 Common Mistakes Nonprofits Make...
“KZgunea”- the Social Innovation Centre (SIC) Network of the Basque Country is organizing the 1st International Congress for Telecentre Managers in partnership with...
Telecentre-Europe’s online tool Skillage – which measure ICT skills of young people from the perspective of their employability – has been built...
Telecentre-Europe has submitted the GOW12 launch event video at the Digital Agenda for Europe Engagement Platform and is waiting for you to vote! The most...
In this issue: #GOW12 Campaign Report – Save the date: Telecentre-Europe Summit 2012: 17-18 October, Warsaw – Infographic: 120 million offliners in EU...
The Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) is a non-governmental organization established in 2008 by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. FRSI’s objective is to support... Foundation‘s video Telecentre Leaders Speak shows Telecentre leaders & stakeholders of around the world gathered on March 5, 2012 in Barcelona,...
“Under the spotlight” is the website section of Foundation (TCF) that shares inspiring stories of members and partners through brief interviews. In...
During the Get Online Week campaign (26-30 March 2012), telecentres reached 200.000 Europeans. But “Why a Get Online campaign? – Isn’t everybody online yet in...
The Digital Agenda for Europe Engagement Platform is the online forum launched by Commissioner Neelie Kroes in contribution to the second Digital Agenda... Foundation is seeking applications from bi-lingual and English Writers to contribute in the preparation of a book on telecentre women....
Today, May 17th is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD or Internet Day) and Foundation (TCF) is celebrating this day with two...
During the month of April, Telecentre-Europe launched a contest among the national partners of Get Online Week 2012 for the best report... Foundation’s Community Learning Program has been declared a winner of one of the 18 project prizes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) ...
After gathering all national partner campaign reports, Telecentre-Europe has now published the general campaign report for Get Online Week 2012. It is clear that technology...
As a part of the European Institutions Open Day on May 12, the European Commission opened the doors of its headquarters at... Foundation (TCF) and the National Information Society Agency of the Republic of Korea (NIA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding formalizing the...
The Spanish Telecentres and ICT Spaces Academy launches today a new training cycle for may-june 2012, historically the 19th edition, but...
Earlier this year, Telecentre-Europe and the University of Washingtonconducted a survey to map the different ways in which telecenters and other social organizations...
Telecentre-Europe presented the youth self-assessment tool Skillage amid 150 astounding young people from around Europe, gathered in Brussels on May 2-3...
In this issue: #GOW12: Telecentres reach Europeans – #GOW12 video – Skillage: young Europeans 60% ready to be hired – Recruitment...
In Skillage: Are you ready to get hired? Deputy Chair Ian Clifford describes how Telecentre-Europe took up the opportunity of Get Online Week 2012 to create Skillage –...
As a result of the economic crisis, 24.5 million people (10% of the workforce) are unemployed in the EU today. In response,...
During March 2012, our overseas colleagues from Foundation (TCF) have been running the first “TELEWISE Tip Contest”, sharing some telecentre wisdom with... Foundation (TCF) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) are organizing a contest open for individual telecentres to train the most women...
Thousands of Europeans celebrated digital inclusion and empowerment during the Get Online Week campaign of Telecentre-Europe. Between 26 and 30 March...
The video, created by Get Online Week supporter Liberty Global, shows Neelie Kroes, EC Vice President and in charge of the Digital Agenda...
In this issue: #GOW12 counter is running! – Get Online Week 2012 officially launched – Skillage now live in 20 countries– Telecentre-Europe AISBL growing...
Women represent less than 15% of IT professionals in Europe. How to overcome gender stereotypes that discourage girls to explore career...
On May 14th the European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning(EUCIS-LLL ) is having its Annual Conference at Leuven, Belgium. Under the title “Social Innovation...
Skillage is an online software application that helps young people to understand the more sophisticated ICT skills needed for the job...
On International Women’s Day March 8 the 2012 Get Online Weekcampaign was launched at a special event with stakeholders at Telecentre-Europe AISBL‘s Belgian member organization Interface3,...
The Launch event of Get Online Week 2012 was a big success. The event took place in the context of Telecentre Women:...
At the Regional Telecentre Network Leaders Meeting that took place from March 5-7 in Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona, Spain), head of...
The Albanian Institute of Science is an organization where social and professional activists of different fields work to put innovation and new...
The Foundation Supporting Physically Disabled Mathematicians and IT Specialists has been specialized in empowering physically disabled people using ICT tools for 20...
The 2012 Get Online Week campaign will be launched at a special event with stakeholders on International Women’s, Day 8 March 2012, at Interface3, a...
Internet Buttons is a free webtool that allows those comfy with the Internet to create a simplified, personalised experience of the...
Gathered in Berlin for our members’ strategy meeting taking place 23-24 February, Telecentre-Europe AISBL expresses its support to the Spanish Network of...