07 May Telecentre-Europe presents research findings of Impact Assessment Survey
07 May, 2012
Earlier this year, Telecentre-Europe and the University of Washingtonconducted a survey to map the different ways in which telecenters and other social organizations assess the contribution of their programs to improve the lives of the people they serve. The results of the survey were presented on 3-4 May in Seville (Spain) at an Expert Workshop organized by the Institute for Prospective Technological Studies (IPTS).
The workshop was a working meeting, where participants worked together to consider the aims and value of measuring impact, the methodological challenges of producing valid evidence for impact, the types of indicators that are relevant to policy, and the development of effective and innovative e-Inclusion intervention.
Several Telecentre-Europe members and Get Online Week partners attended the workshop and presented examples of their currently used impact assessment methods at their telecentre networks: the Community Telecentre Networks Association (Spain), the Online Centres Foundation (UK) and the Information Society Development Foundation (Poland).
The participants that joined the workshop shared their expertise, provided feedback on the research findings and methodology and contributed to develop recommendations for future policy and research action. This will be incorporated into the final reports of the studies and inform the design of the study programme to be presented to potential contractors for the empirical research elements in the upcoming months.
» read more at the IPTS website
» read Ian Clifford’s blogpost at the community site
» read Ismael Peña’s blogpost at the ICTlogy site about the future of telecentres in Europe in 2020