22 Jan Be among the first 2500 organizations on the EU27 eInclusion map!
22 Jan, 2013
The EU27 eInclusion mapping exercise MIREIA has been running for 3 weeks now and 452 organizations have now filled the survey. With another 3 weeks left until February 15th we need a another 2000 organizations to fill the survey urgently!
As for now, most of the results are still coming from Spain, France, Poland, Hungary and Malta, but also our MIREIA partners in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Portugal, Slovakia & Sweden have now activated their dissemination strategies and are delivering a significant number of surveys to the MIREIA results.
We hope that in the next days, also lots of organizations from Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and United Kingdom will flood the MIREIA survey with their data!
Telecentre-Europe is calling upon all eInclusion actors in the EU27 to fill the survey and asks all its stakeholders for a maximum dissemination of the MIREIA survey.