14 Jan 210 European eInclusion actors already mapped by the MIREIA survey
14 Jan, 2013
On January 11th 2013, the first results of the EU27 eInclusion mapping exercise MIREIA were calculated. Spain, France, Poland, Hungary and Malta made most progress, and a total of 210 European organizations already filled the survey and were included in the Europan map of eInclusion.
Although the survey is translated into 15 languages and Telecentre-Europe has already partnered with 20 organizations representing 24 of countries of the EU27, only a few partners seem to have activated yet their national dissemination efforts.
While we are expecting a more homogeneous result in this second week, Telecentre-Europe is calling upon all eInclusion actors in the EU27 to fill the survey and asks all its stakeholders for a maximum dissemination of the MIREIA survey.
» view per country results of week 1&2 on our community site