13 Mar New youth ICT test “Skillage” now live!
13 Mar, 2012
Skillage is an online software application that helps young people to understand the more sophisticated ICT skills needed for the job market. Developed by Telecentre-Europe with the support of Microsoft, this youth assessment tool is now available in 20 European countries as a Beta online and will be promoted via social media channels.
A number of studies have highlighted the shortcomings in young peoples’ ICT skills for the modern workplace, and that ICT will be a part of 90% of jobs in the near future. There is a growing body of education professionals who believe that when young people leave school, their ICT skills have already not kept pace with the changing world of technology. School ICT curricula across Europe does not yet include social media, or the cloud, or many areas of ICT other than basic functional computer use.
Through a series of 15 questions Skillage challenges the user to understand the areas they could improve upon, and the learning venues where they can get support to do so. It will also give policy makers a better understanding of ICT skill levels in young people across Europe.
Skillage will be used during Get online week 2012, a week-long campaign to get people online across Europe, which begins on March 26-30. The Skillage test is also available on Facebook.
» more information on the Get Online Week website
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