Barroso asks Member States to appoint a national Digital Champion
On February 14th, EC president José Manuel Barroso wrote to the leaders of all the EU Member States asking them...
On February 14th, EC president José Manuel Barroso wrote to the leaders of all the EU Member States asking them...
In this issue: Launch of Get Online Week 2012 – Telecentre-Europe’s growing membership – Youth ICT Employment Assessment tool – News from our...
Accenture is a supporter of Get Online Week 2012 and is organizing an interactive panel discussion that will take place at FEB/VBO in Brussels on...
The French national digital inclusion campaign Fête de l’Internet takes place from the 17th to the 30th March, the week before Telecentre-Europe’s Get...
The European Broadcasting Union is a supporter of Get Online Week 2012 and is organizing a media literacy event that will take place in Brussels on...
The Center of Telematics and Applications for Regional Development(Telematics Center) of the Computer Technology Institute and Press(CTI “Diophantus”), supervised by the Greek...
The goal of the Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Digital Opportunities Foundation) is to make people interested in the Internet and to support them...
The Smart Work Association (SWA) is an organisation that brings together all smart work knowhow in Estonia and offers various support services to parties...
After a first succesful run in 2008, the European Commission has launched again the e-inclusion Awards which are now open for entries....
During 2011, Association Langas I Ateiti (Window to the Future) and Microsoft Lithuania trained over 1500 primary and secondary school teachers, social pedagogues, psychologists...
Since 2004 the Insafe network organizes Safer Internet Day to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among...
Telecentre-Europe, with support from Microsoft, is developing Skillage– an online software application that helps young people to understand the more sophisticated ICT...
PH International‘s Tvoy Kurs trained 100.000 people during 2011 and organized a contest among the 2.222 trainers of the program.... Foundation gained another distinction this year when it received membership status to the International Telecommunication Union’s Telecommunication Development Sector...
ICT Development Association Bulgaria (ICTD BG) is a non-profit public benefit organization focusing on implementing research and initiatives in the field of... Foundation’s 2011 Annual Report is now available for download. This 10-page report presents a summary of the Foundation’s accomplishments during the...
In this issue: Get Online Week 2012 – Telecentre-Europe’s new member organizations – Members only strategy planning meeting – Video on Telecentre-Europe Summit...
UK based Digital Activist Inclusion Network (DAIN) made a documentary about their volunteers study trip to Belgium between 25th and 28th October 2011. In...
Telecentre-Europe AISBL is organizing a strategy-planning meeting with the decision makers of all its member organizations on 23-24 February in Berlin. The meeting...
2012 took a marvelous start with six new organizations signing up as formal member organizations of Telecentre-Europe AISBL. Five organizations are...
Aeldremobiliseringen – The Association of Danish Senior Citizens – is an umbrella organisation consisting of the four major senior citizens...
FIT is an industry-led initiative which works in close collaboration with government departments and national education and training agencies, local...
Telecentre-Europe’s member organizations Window to the Future(Langas i ateiti) from Lithuania and Internet Saloon (Associazione Interessi Metropolitani) from Italy both win a Skills for Employability...
Next Wednesday January 11th, the Spanish Telecentre Network Community Association is organizing its 10th national gathering of telecentre networks in Granada. The gathering is organized as...
Established in 2005, “Open the Windows” (OtW) is the only non-governmental organization in Macedonia specifically focusing on promoting assistive technology. Led...
In this issue: Season Greetings – Get Online Week 2012 – Members only strategy planning meeting – Impact Assessment survey –...
Dear Friends, Telecentre-Europe’s first year as a legal organization was intense, engaging, challenging, but looking back now, it was also full of hugely...
ECP Foundation is a non-for-profit association that was established as a public-private partnership in 1997 by government, business representatives and...
The EU’s latest survey on ICT usage in households and by individualsreveals that in 2011, 24% of the EU27 population between...
An informal coalition of the major European organisations & networks that work on education, training and youth have published a...
Digidel 2013 is a campaign to increase the share of the population actively using digital services. Almost 80 per cent...
On December 13th, more than 200 people gathered in Brussels for the European e-Skills Conference 2011. Among the participants were...
Sara Mora Tormo from Gavarda Telecentre (Valencia, Spain) has sent in Europe’s winning album of’s MyTelecentre@Work Photo Essay Contest. She wins a...
Associazione Interessi Metropolitani (AIM) was established in 1987 with the aim to sustain the economic, technological, social and cultural development...
After first being enlisted among the 10 European women of the Top 100 of Global Outstanding Telecentre Women Managers, Ester Collado has been elected,...
As part of the “Digital Agenda Going Local” exercice in Spain, an expert meeting took place in Sevilla, on the 1st of December...
In this issue: Telecentre-Europe’s Impact Assessment Survey – looking back at Telecentre-Europe’s Summit 2011 – Public voting for Europe’s Most Outstanding...
Telecentre-Europe has nominated 10 European women that are now enlisted among the Top 100 Global Outstanding Telecentre Women Managers. Through public voting and judge rating, one of...
Under the title “Telecentres: get to work” the fourth Telecentre-Europe Summit took place in Brussels, Belgium during 27-28 October 2011,...
At their summit in Brussels today, Telecentre-Europe uncovered the momentum felt within Europe’s digital inclusion community of telecentres and stakeholders. Through their opening...