17 May Participate in the online platform & help shape the Digital Agenda for Europe
17 May, 2012
The Digital Agenda for Europe Engagement Platform is the online forum launched by Commissioner Neelie Kroes in contribution to the second Digital Agenda Assembly (#DA12) that will take place in Brussels next 21-22 June .
The forum was launched on April 19th and contains 10 discussion groups on key Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) topics, most of which correspond to workshops that will be held at the Digital Agenda Assembly: converged media; broadband; e-commerce; social media; cloud; data; security; innovation and entrepreneurship; digital public services and jobs & skills.
Telecentre-Europe was invited to especially contribute to the critical discussion about what ICT can do for jobs in Europe, as the commission is looking for good practices that can scale, challenges that are in the way, and solutions that can make a difference:
- Deputy Chair Ian Clifford contributed with a discussion on the ‘grey area’ between ICT and employability that is recognized in the pedagogy of the youth self-assessment tool Skillage.
- Board member Juan Francisco Delgado Morales contributed with Telecentres and social innovation: Employability and Innovation
- Community member Andrea Parola contributed with Make it visible to Brussels
The discussions on the forum will have an important impact as they will be taking to the physical Digital Agenda Assembly meeting, that in turn will feed in to the mid-term review of the Digital Agenda for Europe that he European Commission is currently preparing and plans to adopt in October 2012. For this reason, European officials responsible for the DAE will participate in the platform, interacting and actively following the online debate.