Telecentre Europe Newsletter April 2015
By Telecentre Europe on April 2, 2015 In this issue: First results of European GOW 2015; e-Skills for Jobs 2015 campaign launch...
By Telecentre Europe on April 2, 2015 In this issue: First results of European GOW 2015; e-Skills for Jobs 2015 campaign launch...
This week, from March 23rd to 29th Telecentre Europe organises, together with partnering organisations, the 6th edition of the...
Contrary to what many people may believe, not every European is digital yet. But we’re getting there. Thousands of non-formal...
National and Local Coalitions are multi-stakeholder partnerships which aim to promote and implement the objectives of the Grand Coalition for Digital...
By Telecentre Europe on March 3, 2015 In this issue: General Assembly and new Board elected at members meeting in Brussels; getting ready...
Our new project called “Enabling European e-Participation” officially took off this Wednesday, 25th February! 13 partners (Telecentre Europe and twelve of...
Telecentre Europe held its General Assembly (GA) in Brussels (Belgium) on February 25, 2015 followed by a members meeting the...
By Masha Tarle The unemployment rate may be high but, unsurprisingly, employment opportunities demanding IT skills abound. The mismatch between the skills...
In 2014 Telecentre Europe and Microsoft led a certification campaign Get certified. Get a job. launched in Rome by Microsoft’s...
By Masha Tarle Digital Social Innovation refers to the growing movement of tech entrepreneurs and innovators operating for the benefit of...
By Telecentre Europe on February 2, 2015 In this issue: I-LINC kick-off meeting in Brussels; launch of Europe for citizens project and...
by Gabriela Ruseva In 2015 Telecentre Europe, together with twelve of its member organisations, starts its first Europe for Citizens project...
by Gabriela Ruseva A core value of Telecentre Europe is to work in partnership to achieve bigger impact on objectives shared...
by Ilona Griniute 80% of Belgian citizens have an Internet connection at home. And yet digital divide persists leaving around 15%...
Press release by El Teb 156 people participated in the celebration of the Social Internet Conference in Barcelona on January 21,...
By Ilona Griniute On January 20,2015 Microsoft Europe decoded fundamental skills that young people will need to have to be able...
By Masha Tarle New year, new project Telecentre Europe is opening the year 2015 with a new exciting project titled I-LINC, funded under...
By Telecentre Europe on January 8, 2015 In this issue: Watch a new promo video of Telecentre Europe’s Annual Conference (TEAC) and...
The Digital Learning Round Table held in Luxembourg was the first of its kind in the context of the Horizon...
European Framework for Cooperation in Education and Training (ET2020) Digital technologies have become an integral part of all aspects of our lives. This paper...
16th LIKTA’s annual conference held on December 11th, 2014, gathered around 250 opinion leaders and decision makers from ICT industry,...
For members only Telecentre Europe is getting ready to elect new Board on February 25, 2015. The elections will take place...
A recognition of competences acquired through non-formal and informal learning In this policy position paper Telecentre Europe argues the need for a...
Telecentres have placed themselves as providers of ICT access and digital competences in local communities. This policy position paper provides...
By Telecentre Europe on December 2, 2014 In this issue: TE joins Media & Learning Association; GOW15 partners present their preliminary activities;...
Telecentre Europe was officially accepted as a supporting network member of the Media & Learning Association last Friday, 21st November...
by Ilona Griniute Telecentre Europe visited one of its Belgian member organisations Maks vzw in November. Maks stands for media action...
by Gabriela Ruseva The 11th Safer Internet Forum took place on 6-7th November in Brussels with more than 260 participants. It...
By Telecentre Europe on 04 November, 2014 In this issue: Third Sector Impact (TSI) stakeholder meeting and how to measure third sector...
On 9-10th October Telecentre Europe took part in the 3rd Education, Training and Youth Forum entitled Future Priorities of the...
Telecentre Europe responded to the Public consultation on the Europe 2020 strategy, launched by the European Commission in May 2014....
On 29th of October 2014, the European Commission (DG Connect) together with Telecentre Europe and the Grand Coalition Secretariat organized...
By Masha Tarle Telecentre Europe is a non-for profit organisation and European association that belongs to the so-called “third sector”. Our...
The TMA Consortium, consisting of eight European partners and coordinated by Telecentre-Europe, is inviting organisations outside the Consortium to establish...
By Ilona Griniute It is expected that over 70% of the world’s population will move to cities by 2050. Thus it...
By Telecentre Europe on 06 October, 2014 In this issue: The wrap up of TEAC14 in Zagreb, announcement of the winners of...
Since 2008, Telecentre Europe has organized 7 annual gatherings for its member organizations and stakeholders that brought together around 600...
by Ilona Griniute New Commission is planning to put policies at the centre of agenda for growth and jobs to move...
Telecentre Europe Annual Conference (TEAC) is an event organised by Telecentre Europe together with three European project partners: Unite-IT, Trans...
On 10-12th September 2014, Telecentre Europe met with four pan-European networks working in the field of ICT skills, lifelong learning...