07 May Today is the day of e-Participation!
07 May, 2015
May 7 marks the e-Participation day gathering e-UROPa project partners in 11 countries to promote the use of online tools for citizens to get involved in the EU policy making. Alongside the project also fosters the idea of active civic participation and e-democracy on all levels.
A number of interactive events will be taking place today to inform and motivate citizens to use the so-called e-Participation tools and to reflect on the practical benefits of these tools. The events will be organised in the following countries so we invite you to check what is happening in yours:
As part of the project, today the competition “My e-Participation story” is also launched inviting any European to submit their stories on using any e-Participation tool to solve a problem. Those selected will be invited to share their experience with policy-makers at the final event in Brussels in December 2015.
For more information about the e-Participation and the project check here: euparticipation.org