ETYF2014: Priorities for Education and Training • ALL DIGITAL
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ETYF2014: Priorities for Education and Training

03 Nov, 2014

On 9-10th October Telecentre Europe took part in the 3rd Education, Training and Youth Forum entitled Future Priorities of the ET 2020 Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in Education and Training and Synergies with Youth Policy.

The aim of the Forum is once per year to bring together stakeholders from formal and non-formal education and training, youth associations and institutions, as well as social partners to get their view on how cooperation in education and training at EU level should look like.

The basis of this cooperation is ET2020, the strategic framework of the EU for cooperation in education and training, which was adopted in 2009 and is already halfway through its implementation.

This year the focus of the Forum was on challenges encountered so far and on defining the future priorities for the education and training sector until 2020. Androulla Vassiliou, ex-Commissioner for Education, Culture, Multilingualism and Youth, opened the forum (you can check her speech here). She cited the new president of the European Commission Jean- Claude Juncker: ‘A 29th state is emerging in the EU: a state of people without jobs; a state where almost each forth young person is unemployed.’ This is one of the main reasons to have education and training high on the EU political agenda.

The Forum itself was structured around five ‘hot’ topics that will define priorities in education and training in the coming years:

  • Promoting excellence and innovation
  • Tackling the low-skills gap (low achievers and early school-leavers)
  • Supporting a new generation of educators (teachers and trainers)
  • Recognising and valuing skills
  • Equity, social cohesion and active citizenship.

Through five interactive workshops on the above topics participants shared their experience and recommendations with policy-makers. The report from the sessions with conclusions and concrete recommendations is available online.

The official policy position of Telecentre Europe on the progress and future priorities of ET2020 is coming soon