28 Dec European Framework for Cooperation in Education and Training (Telecentre-Europe’s Policy position)
28 Dec, 2014
European Framework for Cooperation in Education and Training (ET2020)
Digital technologies have become an integral part of all aspects of our lives. This paper serves to remind policy makers and all those involved in the (ET2020) that the function of education in today’s world is also to provide European citizens, particularly young people, with learning opportunities to acquire digital skills and competences in a holistic way, including the safe, critical and creative use of technology.
Adopted in 2009, the ET2020 strategy sets the framework for cooperation in education and training at the EU level. 2014 is a crucial year for the strategy, as it is under mid-term review halfway through its implementation. So far the strategy put emphasis on improving education and training to meet the requirements of the labour market in an increasingly changing society. Telecentre Europe (TE) believes however that education and training should not be looked at from a purely economic prism. Only comprehensive strategies combining inclusion, up-skilling, flexible learning paths, civic engagement and cross-sectorial cooperation can ensure that education and training correspond to the differing needs of all citizens – for employment, lifelong learning, personal development and civic or social participation.
This position paper discusses the following aspects of the implementation of ET2020:
- Non-formal education and training has to be recognised in its own right
- Existing terminology on non-formal education, training and learning needs to be revisited
- Non-formal education and training is key enabler of lifelong learning
- More university ICT graduates, but also digital skills needed for the labour market
- New non-formal ICT educators’ profiles need to be recognised
- Not just ‘innovation’, but ‘inclusive innovation’ in education