05 Mar New Toolkit for National and Local Coalitions for Digital Jobs
05 Mar, 2015
National and Local Coalitions are multi-stakeholder partnerships which aim to promote and implement the objectives of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs in each Member State.
Telecentre Europe is one of the organisations forming part of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs Secretariat. Many of our members are active in the area of teaching digital skills and have therefore been active in forming a number of National and Local Coalitions (see map of existing Coalitions below).
We therefore welcome the creation of this new toolkit which not only defines the Coalitions but also explains the type of support they can expect from the Secretariat. The Toolkit also offers information about available funding opportunities to develop the activities of National and Local Coalitions. Other stakeholders involved with the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs can also consult this toolkit to initiate a Coalition in their own country or collaborate with existing ones.
Click here to download the Toolkit for National and Local Coalitions