29 Jan Social Internet Conference on Youth Employability
29 Jan, 2015
Press release by El Teb
156 people participated in the celebration of the Social Internet Conference in Barcelona on January 21, 2015. Held at the Mobile World Space Centre, located in the city centre, this event attracted some different professionals working in the sector of the citizen technologies.
The day began with the award of Digital Narratives against gender violence, and then concentrated on three main themes: the smart citizens, youth employability, and, finally, mobility and social innovation.
Jordi Reynés, director of the Network of Digital Manufacture Ateneus of Barcelona, has explained the project of Digital Manufacturing and the possibilities that it offers to the citizens. Pep Oliveras, the e-facilitator of the telecentre Fundació Marianao, has offered us a look, dynamic and fun, and from the participants of the telecentre, about what 3D Printer is and how you can use it.
A small game made with augmented reality, offered by the D2 & Co group, helped to boost the coffee break and the focus during the group work, closing this block dedicated to smart citizens.
The youth employability was another topic of the conference. Angels Piédrola, coordinator of PNJCat the Government of Catalonia, raised the topic of strategies by regional government (the new Youth Guarantee program) and the need for complicity by social organizations and youth technicians, as well as the role that telecentres may have in this issue. Sergio Marco, manager of the company Everis and responsible for the education program, expressed the view that the sector companies have about the new opportunities that the market offers to future professionals (those not yet trained).
YouRock.jobs project presentation by Ian Clifford was very successful. The project is also supported by Telecentre Europe which consists of a network of European organizations that actively promote youth employability. YouRock.jobs has strongly attracted the attention of the audience as it is a trans-European network with the support and participation of organizations in different countries (El Teb and Punt TIC in Catalonia). The platform allows young users to create their online portfolio of professional and personal skills and use this in their job search.
The last part of the day was dedicated to mobility and social innovation. Two fundamental contributions were presented: first, the paper by Elizabeth Juarez, who explained the Mobilitza’t Mobile program, a program designed to promote employability in the Mobile area – or return to education – through professional training in this area. The second was presented by Jordi Silvestre, an innovative coworking experience pilot to students and graduates.
A series of workshops and meetings around four themes (Security and ICT; Coding; Women and ICT and Mobile devices) put an end to the conference organized by the Generalitat of Catalonia and the regional network of telecentres Punt TIC, supported by El Teb, and had a large influx of people, all of them interested in the social internet topics.