21 Apr Skilled and Employed – a collaborative position paper
21 Apr, 2016
The fast pace of digital transformation of the business sector has made it more challenging for young people to meet the demanding requirements of employers in Europe. Digital skills now are a necessity, not an advantage.
Education providers, socio-economic inclusion providers, policy makers, employers are looking for ways to enhance the matching process between skills and jobs. How do we make sure that young people have the opportunities at hand to develop digital skills and meet the requirements of employers?
I-LINC is the platform where discussions are carried on regarding the opportunities offered by digital skills and inclusion for the employability and entrepreneurship of young people. From 25 April and for a month, the platform will animate a collaborative space for stakeholders to meet and share opinions and experiences – “Wikinclusion” – to collect debates related to youth employability through digital skills. This collective effort will launch the drafting process of a position paper the main authors of which will be the I-LINC young advisors.
How do you help young people develop their digital skills and find a job? Share your experience on I-LINC: http://www.i-linc.eu/web/wikinclusion-2nd-edition/home