25 Jul ITU & TCF launch partnership to support Youth Employment & Youth Entrepreneurship
25 Jul, 2012
On the occasion of the Connect Americas Summit held from 17-19 July, 2012, in Panama City, Panama, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Telecentre.org Foundation (TCF) have announced the launch of a new partnership to support social inclusion and the successful integration of young people into the job market.
The partnership will address the challenges of integrating young people into the employment market by providing them with appropriate skills and knowledge and promoting self-development to help them find employment or create their own businesses.
ITU and TCF will also join forces to mobilize resources and attract additional public and private sector partners to expand the range of training and employment and business opportunities. As a result, the Directorate General of Telecommunications and Information Society of the Government of Catalonia has already expressed their intent to join this initiative.