Telecentre Europe Newsletter November 2015
By Telecentre Europe on November 4, 2015 In this issue: Updates on the e-Participation conference; Skillage analysis; MIREIA e-toolkit; EU Code Week launch...
By Telecentre Europe on November 4, 2015 In this issue: Updates on the e-Participation conference; Skillage analysis; MIREIA e-toolkit; EU Code Week launch...
The European Coding Initiative ( organised a high level launch event in Brussels on 12 October...
The 4th edition of the European Education, Training and Youth Forum took place in Brussels on 19-20 October 2O15 attracting...
Six members of our Board and our Managing Director attended the largest ICT conference in the EU ICT 2015 –...
Translated by Gabriel Rissola Different digital competence models were discussed during the workshop organised by Guadalinfo, the Andalusian network of telecentres,...
Telecentre Europe joins Drop’pin and calls on our members to do the same! Drop’pin is a new project and online platform...
By Telecentre Europe on October 8, 2015 In this issue: A summary about TEAC 2015 in Belgrade; Youth employability session at TEAC 2015...
by Ilona Griniute Telecentre Europe has been focusing efforts to engage with the European Parliament (EP) and its members alongside other...
European Commission together with our Portuguese member Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Portugal (FCT) are organising the largest ICT...
By Masha Tarle Telecentre Europe held its 8th annual conference in Belgrade on 24 and 25th September, co-organised by our Serbian...
The Unite-IT network established the Digital Inclusion Award in 2014 as the annual recognition to organisations and professionals who work...
Guests and project partners from at least 10 countries met in Vilnius to attend an international conference on intergenerational learning...
The challenges of aging society and youth unemployment are ever more evident. In addition to this, the knowledge society requires constantly...
By Telecentre Europe on September 2, 2015 In this issue: News on TEAC 2015 agenda and sessions: Unite-IT workshops, Cisco’s Get Connected...
TEAC 2015 is going to offer its participants a range of ways to explore digital empowerment this year. Five simultaneous...
By Telecentre Europe on August 4, 2015 In this issue: Microsoft competition for non-profits #UpgradeYourWorld; I-LINC open for young change-makers; registrations...
Programa Escolhas (the Choices Programme) is a national programme of the Portuguese government for social inclusion under the Ministry of...
by Gabriela Ruseva There are hundreds of thousands of ICT centres, libraries and NGOs where people can learn digital skills. Many...
Help us #UpgradeYourWorld and do more to empower Europeans with digital skills by supporting our 50+ members in their work...
“Library! More Than You Think” summarizes 6 years of implementation of the Library Development Program in Poland. The program was...
By Telecentre Europe on July 6, 2015 In this issue: Registration open for TEAC 2015; invitation to extra-ordinary General Assembly; Coalition...
One of the major European events on digital topics Digital Assembly 2015 – One Europe, One...
On 15th of June Telecentre Europe officially became member of the European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning, EUCIS-LLL. The...
The Unite-IT e-inclusion network portal is the focal point of information, news, resources, database of practices and policies in Europe...
This year Telecentre Europe’s Annual Conference (TEAC) under the tagline of Digitally empowered Europeans will take place in Belgrade on...
The I-LINC platform will be the meeting point for stakeholders to constructively discuss and design socio-educational e-solutions and policy options...
Following the launch of 4 new national coalitions last week, Telecentre Europe’s member in Portugal Fundação para a Ciência e...
For members only Telecentre Europe will hold an extra-ordinary General Assembly on September 24, 2015, at 16:00, following the first day of the...
Association Langas į ateitį is a non-profit association and the coordinator of Fit4jobs national activities in Lithuania. The project was featured...
Croatian member Telecentar is organising International e-Facilitator Summer School in Rovinj next week, on June 22-28, 2015. The school will welcome...
By Telecentre Europe on June 2, 2015 In this issue: Publication on e-Facilitators in the Digital Post by Gabriel Rissola; Digital Single Market...
The e-Participation Day on May 7, 2017, was celebrated by hundreds of European citizens in 11 countries. It was an...
Telecentre Europe has been invited to present its current projects at the upcoming annual conference of the European Civil Society...
Roughly 109,000 Europeans were involved in GOW 2015 this year participating in more than 4,000 events at national or local level, like training, seminars...
The Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe was presented on 6th May by VP Ansip and Commissioner Oettinger in front...
May 7 marks the e-Participation day gathering e-UROPa project partners in 11 countries to promote the use of online tools...
By Telecentre Europe on May 6, 2015 In this issue: Kick off of the e-Participation day; interview with Belgium’s Digital Champion; Fit4Jobs...
Telecentre Europe met with the Digital Champion of Belgium Saskia Van Uffelen earlier in April. A mother of five and CEO of Ericsson...
24.04.2015 Lisbon The FIT4JOBS partners team met in Lisbon on April 20-22 to discuss the milestones reached so far in this European Commission funded...
By Telecentre Europe on April 2, 2015 In this issue: First results of European GOW 2015; e-Skills for Jobs 2015 campaign launch...