Digital competences to promote employability • ALL DIGITAL
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Digital competences to promote employability

01 Nov, 2015

Translated by Gabriel Rissola

Different digital competence models were discussed during the workshop organised by Guadalinfo, the Andalusian network of telecentres, last 29 October 2015 in Seville. The Guadalinfo Network brought together more than thirty experts working in the field of training and certification of digital skills, where aside to the Andalusian model, other experiences like those from Catalonia and Basque Country were shared.

The acquisition of these skills promotes professional development and access to best jobs, but also enables, at advanced levels, self-employment and the identification of good strategies of active job employment in the new Digital Single Market.

The model presented by Guadalinfo offers a full itinerary that allows citizens to acquire digital skills that can improve their daily life and work. With this itinerary, the user knows what digital skills they need, where and how to acquire them and (forthcoming) a certification system for those who has them.

For its implementation, the Network counts with 800 professionals who will be initiated and trained in the European Framework of Digital Skills Framework (DIGCOMP); a training catalog based on the needs and interests of users; a tool for self-assessment of own digital skills, which will enable each person to know their starting point for a personalized training path; multi-format training content for technology training of users, and a training platform for the development of e-learning programs.

During the workday, different experts have analyzed the status of regulation and planning in the field of digital skills set by the European Digital Agenda 2020 in Spain and also abroad, thanks to the participation of Telecentre Europe network.

The participation of the Association of Spanish Telecentres is framed within the e-Skills for Jobs campaign that aims to inform students, young professionals and SMEs about the vast range of opportunities offered by ICT-related jobs.


