16 Jan Piloting of an assessment instrument for digital competence for foundation and intermediate levels
16 Jan, 2018
DigComp has been a key strategic priority for ALL DIGITAL in the last years. We exist to support the 44% of EU population lacking basic digital skills. A significant challenge in ensuring digital literacy for all is, however, the lack of a precise understanding of what digital skills are. We believe that DigComp can respond to this challenge and support our members, and other organisations striving to provide digital skills to everyone.
We started to endorse and emphasize the importance of DigComp in 2014. We developed the first Guidelines on the Adoption of DigComp (published on December 2015) at national level for our member organisations, we have been involved in the consultations and events organised by the European Commission and JRC regarding DigComp.
Thus, in September 2017, we were very happy to respond to JRC’s call for tenders to validate and pilot a self-assessment instrument developed by JRC and targeted at individuals with no or low level of digital skills. The assessment instrument was based on the latest version of the Digital Competence Framework for Citizens 2.1.
The objective of this project was to test the reliability and validity of this assessment instrument among experts and a small and then a large-scale sample of individuals, to refine and reduce it in length (from 126 to 63 items) in order to establish a sound, reliable and valid assessment tool, based on DigComp 2.1.
ALL DIGITAL has done the following activities:
- Validated the assessment tool through a panel of 10 external experts.
- Validated the assessment tool through a small quantitative and qualitative pilot with 50 individuals (10 per country) in 5 countries: Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia, Malta and the UK.
- Investigated the reliability of the item bank by performing a psychometric analysis.
- Refined the initial item bank by improving its validity and reliability and reducing its length from 126 to 63 items.
- Piloted the refined assessment tool with a country-representative sample of 450 individuals (150 per country) with no and low digital skills in Bulgaria, Germany, and Latvia.
- Performed a psychometric analysis on reliability and published a report on lessons learned.
- Digital Opportunities Foundation, Germany – ALL DIGITAL member
- Global Libraries , Bulgaria – ALL DIGITAL Member
- LIKTA, Latvia – ALL DIGITAL Member
- Malta Communications Authority (MCA) , Malta – ALL DIGITAL Member
- YouRock Online Ltd, UK