24 Jul Results of Library Development Program in Poland: Transforming over 3,800 libraries
24 Jul, 2015
“Library! More Than You Think” summarizes 6 years of implementation of the Library Development Program in Poland. The program was the undertaking of the Polish-American Freedom Foundation managed by Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) aimed at transforming more than 3,800 public libraries in rural areas and small towns into modern, multi-function information, cultural and education centers stimulating civic engagement. Between 2009-2015 the Program was implemented in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
FRSI is an active member of Telecentre Europe since 2012. In 2012 FRSI received the E-inclusion Award from the European Commission granted for actions that attract more people to use modern technologies thanks to the Library Development Program.
The publication can be found below.