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  We have identified two interesting profiles for employment and digital competences offering opportunities in the coming years: entrepreneur and ‘virtual worker’. By...

#DSJCoalition DSJC in a nutshell The Digital Skills and Job Coalition builds on the success of the Grand Coalition for Digital...

FIT4Jobs is a European-funded piloting programme based on the successful FIT model of upskilling job seekers and connecting them to...

Skillage.eu is an online assessment tool that helps young people to understand the more sophisticated ICT skills they need for...

FIT4Jobs is a European-funded piloting programme based on the successful FIT Ltd. (Ireland) model of upskilling job seekers and connecting them to employers. The objective of...

I-LINC aimed to develop a sustainable and all encompassing platform on the topic of ICT (for) learning and inclusion. The...

Download the project brochure   Fit4jobs project is a training-for-employment initiative centred on ICT skills. The project idea was started by Fast-track to IT (FIT Ltd), an...

LINK TO ALL DIGITAL/GET ONLINE WEEK PAST EDITIONS The European Get Online Week (from 2018 - ALL DIGITAL Week) is an...

The eSkills for Jobs campaigns 2014-2016 aimed to raise awareness of the need for citizens to improve their command of...