11 Jan eSkills for Jobs campaign
11 Jan, 2014
The eSkills for Jobs campaigns 2014-2016 aimed to raise awareness of the need for citizens to improve their command of ICT skills for work. The campaign was a response to the growing demand for ICT-skilled professionals which is currently not met, despite high level of unemployment in Europe. The campaign came under the umbrella of the Commission’s Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs.The main focus of the campaign was to raise awareness of the education, training, jobs, and other opportunities that are available to people with e-Skills – those who know how to effectively use digital technologies. Together, industry, education bodies and public authorities delivered a large and diverse programme of events and activities throughout the year for people at all levels of education and skills.
The campaign was coordinated by DIGITALEUROPE and European Schoolnet in conjunction with hundreds of national and pan-European partners. Telecentre Europe was one of the campaign partners, the only partner representing European telecentres and libraries.
During the course of 2014, the eSkills for Jobs campaign ran in 30 EU countries. It informed students, unemployed people, ICT professionals and SMEs about the vast range of opportunities that ICT-related jobs present. One of the first key activities is the Get Online Week, a pan-European event organised by Telecentre Europe on 24-30 March 2014, to get new users online and improve their digital skills for working life. Two major events were also foreseen during the campaign linked to the Greek and Italian EU Presidencies.