01 Jan I-LINC
01 Jan, 2015
I-LINC aimed to develop a sustainable and all encompassing platform on the topic of ICT (for) learning and inclusion. The I-LINC platform to act as an online environment for networking; participation and learning that will focus on boosting the employability and entrepreneurship capacities of young people.
The project benefited and gathered existing platforms, networks and resources that are available on the topic of ICT (for) learning and inclusion. The project developed an active community of stakeholders in the field while linking them to the main beneficiaries – young people.
- Develop a wide and active community of stakeholders, aspiring to become a reference point in the long run in the field of ICT (for) learning and inclusion.
- Link existing stakeholders’ activities in the field of ICT (for) learning and inclusion and join them in order to increase their impact both on policy-maker and end-user level
- Contribute to the improvement of existing platforms by creating a common (blended) space for open dialogue and meetings, and foster active mutual exchanges and peer-learning activities
- Define directions on how to improve tools and services for the modernisation of education and training and the employability of young people while tackling the risk of digital and socio-economic exclusion (i.e. e-inclusion).
- I-LINC Online survey summary report – the survey has been instrumental in identifying relevant actors (projects, organisations, initiatives…) in the field of ICT for learning anf inclusion on European, national and regional level.
- I-LINC Entrelearn entrepreneurial learning toolkit for teachers– This toolkit has been conceived as a support and inspiration to those teachers who are interested in entrepreneurship regardless of the subject and the age of the children they teach to.
- I-LINC Monitor 2015: EU policies on digital inclusion and skills – an overview of important policies on 2015 focusing on the topics of digital inclusion and skills. It is meant to assist readers’ understanding of EU level policies and strategies that are relevant to the work of stakeholders and that influence national level strategies.
- I-LINK Policy Monitor 2016: Digital Skills and Jobs– an overview of important policies on 2016 focusing on the topics of digital skills and jobs. the aim is to assist readers and familiarize them with the EU level policies and strategies, that are relevant to the work of staqkeholders and influence national level strategies.
- I-LINC policy monitor 2017: Employability and entrepreneurship – an overview of important policies on 2017 focusing on the topics of employability and entrepreneurship. The aim is to assist readers and familiarize them with the EU level policies and strategies, that are relevant to the work of stakeholders and influence national level strategies.