Raising Awareness Online Campaign on Cybercrime within RAYUELA project
On Tuesday 2nd of November 2021, ALL DIGITAL will start an online Raising Awareness Campaign on Cybercrime as part of...
On Tuesday 2nd of November 2021, ALL DIGITAL will start an online Raising Awareness Campaign on Cybercrime as part of...
On 17 January 2018, in a press conference Commissioner Navracsics announced a package of new policy initiatives, with a focus...
On 15th of June Telecentre Europe officially became member of the European Civil Society Platform on Lifelong Learning, EUCIS-LLL. The...
By Masha Tarle Telecentre Europe is a non-for profit organisation and European association that belongs to the so-called “third sector”. Our...
The two gender equality speakers who participated at Telecentre Europe Annual Conference (TEAC) 2014 in Zagreb, Dr. Adriana Gil-Juárez and...
On 24 January 2013, more than 100 experts & officials from the industrial, academic & public sector gathered with Pan-European NGO...
The EU27 eInclusion mapping exercise MIREIA has been running for 3 weeks now and 452 organizations have now filled the survey....
On January 2nd, Telecentre-Europe has launched the MIREIA survey – a mapping exercise of telecentres, libraries and other eInclusion actors...
On December 18th 2012, Telecentre-Europe, together with Startup Weekend Europe and Digitalmuse.org, was invited to give a “Speed Date” presentation at the 3rd high level...
Telecentre-Europe’s Czech member EPMA has opened a call for abstracts & presentations for the Conference “Digital Governance – From local data to European...
On December 18th, the European Digital Champions will gather in Brussels for their third high level meeting. Telecentre-Europe, together with Startup Weekend...
Together with more than one hundred targeted stakeholders from the public, private and third sector, including the academia, Telecentre-Europe...
Novateca, a 2-year learning grant for librarians from the Global Libraries program (Gates Foundation), will provide wide scale public...
Telecentre-Europe invites eInclusion organizations to become the national branch for conducting the MIREIA online survey in their EU27 country. Let’s...
The EU Internet Week (EUIW) will run between 12th & 16th November 2012 in Brussels with a series of events on...
In July 2012, the Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) and its Polish ministry partners signed a Memorandum with Orange Poland to prolong the financing...
Representatives of Telecentre-Europe will participate at the ICT Proposers Day 2012 that is taking place in Warsaw on 26-27 September...
The Spanish Association of the Community of Telecentre Networks and Social Innovation Centers, is organizing the Workshop Certification Model for Digital...
Watch this great video of the Digital Agenda for Europe Going Local event in Latvia, co-organized by Telecentre-Europe’s member Latvian Information and Communications Technology...
As part of its strategy for creating jobs and growth, the European Commission has launched an initiative to boost the...
On 12 September 2012 Riga will welcome the International Forum Going Local to discuss the implementation in Europe & Latvia...
For its 3rd anniversary in november 2012, Telecentre.org Foundation (TCF) wants all members of the regional community sites to take part...
Representatives of Telecentre-Europe will participate in the International Conference on e-Inclusion & Digital Public Services, celebrated by the DIEGO project...
The VET (Vocational Education & Training) programs led by Telecentre-Europe’s members Fast Track to IT (FIT, Ireland) and Interface3 (Belgium) are good examples that show how...
Telecentre.org Foundation (TCF) is pleased to announce the successful makeover of its corporate site, complete with new pages and features on...
An EU press release on the Digital Agenda annual scoreboard says nearly half of the European labour force (47%) is not confident their computer...
Today, the winners of the eInclusion Awards will be announced at the Awards Ceremony of the European Commission’s Digital Agenda Assembly (#DA12) in Brussels....
Today, Telecentre-Europe’s Chair Ian Clifford & Managing Director Gabriel Rissola will participate at the Digital Agenda Assembly (#DA12) taking place in Brussels. Both...
The Library Development Program, implemented by the Information Society Development Foundation (one of Telecentre-Europe’s Polish member organizations), is one of the 3 finalists...
The Community of Telecentre Networks Association, Telecentre-Europe’s Spanish member organization, has launched a proposal for creating a European network where social innovators...
Following a thorough evaluation of applications coming from several highly qualified candidates, Telecentre-Europe is pleased to announce that Gabriel Rissola has been selected and...
Telecentre-Europe has submitted the GOW12 launch event video at the Digital Agenda for Europe Engagement Platform and is waiting for you to vote! The most...
The Digital Agenda for Europe Engagement Platform is the online forum launched by Commissioner Neelie Kroes in contribution to the second Digital Agenda...
As a part of the European Institutions Open Day on May 12, the European Commission opened the doors of its headquarters at...
Earlier this year, Telecentre-Europe and the University of Washingtonconducted a survey to map the different ways in which telecenters and other social organizations...
As a result of the economic crisis, 24.5 million people (10% of the workforce) are unemployed in the EU today. In response,...
The video, created by Get Online Week supporter Liberty Global, shows Neelie Kroes, EC Vice President and in charge of the Digital Agenda...
The Launch event of Get Online Week 2012 was a big success. The event took place in the context of Telecentre Women:...
The 2012 Get Online Week campaign will be launched at a special event with stakeholders on International Women’s, Day 8 March 2012, at Interface3, a...
On February 14th, EC president José Manuel Barroso wrote to the leaders of all the EU Member States asking them...