19 Dec Telecentre-Europe at the Digital Champions Meeting
19 Dec, 2012
On December 18th 2012, Telecentre-Europe, together with Startup Weekend Europe and Digitalmuse.org, was invited to give a “Speed Date” presentation at the 3rd high level meeting of the European Digital Champions, organized by the European Commission.
As Chair of Telecentre-Europe (TE), Mara Jakobsone represented our organization together with Laure Lemaire, Director of TE member organization Interface3. They invited all Digital Champions to become the Ambassadors in their countries of the TE’s Digital Inclusion Campaign Get Online Week 2013 and to promotethe related activities to their national stakeholders and mass media.
They also presented the online survey that aims to provide a ‘map’ of the EU27 eInclusion actors that TE has been commissioned to carry out as part of the JRC-IPTS research project MIREIA. The Digital Champions were invited to help TE in identifying the Digital Inclusion actors in their countries and to disseminate the research results once the data will be collected (the survey will run between January 2 and February 15, 2013).