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Following a thorough evaluation of applications coming from several highly qualified candidates, Telecentre-Europe is pleased to announce that Gabriel Rissola has been selected and...

In this issue: #GOW12 Campaign Report – Save the date: Telecentre-Europe Summit 2012: 17-18 October, Warsaw – Infographic: 120 million offliners in EU...

The Information Society Development Foundation (FRSI) is a non-governmental organization established in 2008 by the Polish-American Freedom Foundation. FRSI’s objective is to support...

After gathering all national partner campaign reports, Telecentre-Europe has now published the general campaign report for Get Online Week 2012. It is clear that technology...

In this issue: #GOW12: Telecentres reach Europeans – #GOW12 video – Skillage: young Europeans 60% ready to be hired – Recruitment...