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In this issue: #GOW12 counter is running! – Get Online Week 2012 officially launched – Skillage now live in 20 countries– Telecentre-Europe AISBL growing...

The Launch event of Get Online Week 2012 was a big success. The event took place in the context of Telecentre Women:...

The Albanian Institute of Science is an organization where social and professional activists of different fields work to put innovation and new...

In this issue: Launch of Get Online Week 2012 – Telecentre-Europe’s growing membership – Youth ICT Employment Assessment tool – News from our...

The goal of the Stiftung Digitale Chancen (Digital Opportunities Foundation) is to make people interested in the Internet and to support them...

The Smart Work Association (SWA) is an organisation that brings together all smart work knowhow in Estonia and offers various support services to parties...

Since 2004 the Insafe network organizes Safer Internet Day to promote safer and more responsible use of online technology and mobile phones, especially among... Foundation gained another distinction this year when it received membership status to the International Telecommunication Union’s Telecommunication Development Sector...

In this issue: Get Online Week 2012 – Telecentre-Europe’s new member organizations – Members only strategy planning meeting – Video on Telecentre-Europe Summit...

Established in 2005, “Open the Windows” (OtW) is the only non-governmental organization in Macedonia specifically focusing on promoting assistive technology. Led...

Dear Friends, Telecentre-Europe’s first year as a legal organization was intense, engaging, challenging, but looking back now, it was also full of hugely...

ECP Foundation is a non-for-profit association that was established as a public-private partnership in 1997 by government, business representatives and...

Digidel 2013 is a campaign to increase the share of the population actively using digital services. Almost 80 per cent...