Social Hackademy #HackAD
HackAD Facebook: @hackADeu The #hackAD project fostered digital skills and competences of young people from disadvantaged background by implementing collaborative educational...
HackAD Facebook: @hackADeu The #hackAD project fostered digital skills and competences of young people from disadvantaged background by implementing collaborative educational...
Facebook: @STEAMonEdu Twitter: @STEAMonEdu Follow the project news by using the hashtag #STEAMonEdu The STEAMonEdu project aimed to increase the adoption and impact...
DocEnchance Newsletter: Twitter: @DocEnhance LinkedIn: @docenhance DocEnhance aims to enhance transferable skills intelligence and integration into PhD programmes by: Involving the non-academic...
Facebook: @DigitalBiblio Twitter: @digital_biblio Follow the project news by using the hashtag #DigitalBiblio The Biblio (Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians in...
Facebook: @Dreams The DREAMS project aimed at fostering the social, civic and intercultural competences of Roma parents through digital education in...
PROJECT AIM The project aim was to develop an item bank and methodology, and then pilot a self-assessment tool for digital...
What was the project about? Get Your Facts Straight! project provides media literacy education through workshops about disinformation and fake news...
Facebook @SmartDevOpsEU Twitter @devops_smart The DEVOPS project aimed at closing the gap between today’s and future’s skills demands of municipal workforce by emphasizing...
"Crowddreaming: Youth co-create Digital Culture" (CDDC) project aimed to disseminate and scale-up at European level a good practice in the...
The rapid technological improvements in the last decades have unlocked many new job possibilities. More than ever, digital skills are...
Open AE: Promote open source technologies in non-formal adult education was an Erasmus+ KA2 project awarded through EPOS - National...
The e-Media Project has been labeled “Good practice” eMedia was an Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnerships for Adults Education project. The...
Facebook: @DIGINV Twitter: @Diginv Between 2007 and 2013, cultural participation has contracted in all European countries, where "low" level of participation went...
Facebook: @ICTskills4All In our transforming society lack of digital skills in the elderly population is synonymous to social isolation; inability to...
DigComp has been a key strategic priority for ALL DIGITAL in the last years. We exist to support the 44%...
Hashtag used to check for project news #digitalwelcome The initial idea for a Programme for IT courses for migrants and refugees was...
Funded by: Erasmus + Duration: 14 months Start date: 01/10/2017 End date: 30/11/2018 Website: #huristo HURISTO is a project with the main aim to deliver...
In October 2017 the HURISTO project was launched in Brussels. The project was coordinated by Maks and has been implemented in...
ASK4JOB project was a pan-European educational pathway for long-term unemployed and low-skilled adults, which contributed to: Digital Citizenship - open...
The current global scenario requires Education and training institutions and practitioners to assume greater responsibility than ever in helping learners...
Facebook: @SmartWomenEU Twitter: @SmartWomenEU Hashtag used for the project news: #SmartWomenEU Smart Women was an Erasmus+ KA2 project coordinated by the Malta Communications...
We have identified two interesting profiles for employment and digital competences offering opportunities in the coming years: entrepreneur and ‘virtual worker’. By...
#DSJCoalition DSJC in a nutshell The Digital Skills and Job Coalition builds on the success of the Grand Coalition for Digital...
UMI-Sci-Ed (Exploiting Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things to promote Science Education) was a Horizon 2020 project,...
In February 2016 Telecentre Europe and three members (Maks vzw, Telecentar and El Teb) started a new project “Youth e-perspectives on migration”. The...
CODEMOB - teaching coding and mobile devices in telecentres is a project that designed two courses on coding and mobile...
Code your Future is a new campaign organized in telecentres to introduce coding to young people and children, especially those...
E-Participation is ICT-enabled citizens’ participation in policies and policy-making. Many citizens consider that the EU is something that happens only...
Funded by: Europe for Citizens Programme Duration: 12 months Start date: 01/01/2015 End date: 31/12/2015 Website: E-Participation is ICT-enabled citizens’ participation in policies...
I-LINC aimed to develop a sustainable and all encompassing platform on the topic of ICT (for) learning and inclusion. The...
Download the project brochure Fit4jobs project is a training-for-employment initiative centred on ICT skills. The project idea was started by Fast-track to IT (FIT Ltd), an...
Funded by: European Commission Duration: 24 months Start date: 01/02/2014 End date: 01/02/2016 Website: Telecentre Europe was part of the Secretariat of the Grand...
Telecentre Europe was part of the Secretariat of the Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs. The Secretariat brought together stakeholders from...
The eSkills for Jobs campaigns 2014-2016 aimed to raise awareness of the need for citizens to improve their command of...
Funded by: LifeLong Learning Programme (European Commission) Duration: 24 months Start date: 01/12/2012 End date: 30/11/2014 Website: The acronym M4ALL stands for "motion-based adaptable...
The acronym M4ALL stands for "motion-based adaptable playful learning experiences for children with motor and intellectual disabilities". The goal of the...
Unite-IT is a European network project and a community site for professionals interested in digital skills and e-Inclusion in Europe. The Digital Agenda for...
Facebook: @Telecentre.Multimedia.Academy TMA was a project aimed at providing a learning pathway on media literacy specifically tailored for adult learners. The programme...
Funded by: European Commission - JRC Duration: 6 months Start date: 16/10/2012 End date: 16/03/2013 Website: Objectives JRC-IPTS and DG CONNECT conducted the MIREIA project, which...
Objectives JRC-IPTS and DG CONNECT conducted the MIREIA project, which aimed to better understand the role of eInclusion intermediary actors and...