15 Sep ReStory: ReWrite Your Story
15 Sep, 2020
The ReStory – ReWrite Your Story project aims to create an innovative curriculum accompanied by tools and methodologies about storytelling practices to be applied by care-givers to seniors. The purpose of ReStory is to arm the care-givers with skills that will help elderly people regain an active role in the society.
During piloting, 140 care-givers will take part in the program and improve their skills. After the training that is based on the project’s curriculum, care-givers will have at their disposal a Toolbox with exercises and a Handbook with methodologies that will help them assist their beneficiaries (end users of the project), the seniors, to create their own stories and recreate them by working together through the techniques of artistic means. The training materials (Curriculum, Toolbox and Handbook) were finalised and tested by the partner trainers in May 2022, and are now being translated into partner languages while the partners are running the training sessions with the care givers.
- To develop an educational material for the care-givers on how to support the elderly people they work to overcome the barrier of age and the feeling of being unnecessary and, help them in handling responsibilities. The methodology has storytelling as its base, and uses the stories as the core material which is translated into a variety of artistic forms, such as performing arts (dance/video dance, theatre/documentary theatre) visual arts (digital narration, stop motion video) and creative writing (e-book). Digital tools underpin the creative process, so that the elderly people acquire essential digital skills while creating and having fun.
- To provide seniors with the opportunity to take over high-responsibility positions by being part of a working team, that will help them regain the feeling of being part of social activities.
- Care-givers working with seniors (professionals);
- Institutions and services working with seniors (VET organizations, counsellors, etc.);
- Communities.
- Focus Groups’ methodology guide for identifying needs, artistic potential and preferences.
- Curriculum for care-givers working with storytelling techniques (expected date: November 2022).
- Toolbox with educational exercises (expected date: November 2022).
- Handbook with the theory and methodologies behind the techniques and the exercises (expected date: November 2022).
- An open online platform with the handbook, the toolbox and all the IT & cultural products (expected date: November 2022).
- Recommendations for policy makers and training providers (expected date: November 2022).
- University of Peloponnese (UOP), Greece – Coordinator
- ALL DIGITAL, Belgium
- IASIS, Greece
- EDRA – Kinonikes Sineteristikes Drastiriotitesefpathon Omadon, Greece
- IRIPS – Institut Régional d’Insertion Professionnelle et Sociale, France
- AEVA – Associacao Para A Educacao Evalorizacao Da Regiao De Aveiro, Portugal
- CSI – Center For Social Innovation Ltd, Cyprus
- Asociación La Bien Pagá Espacio Escénico, Spain