15 Oct ASK4JOB – Adult Skills for Job-Oriented Breakthrough
15 Oct, 2017
ASK4JOB project was a pan-European educational pathway for long-term unemployed and low-skilled adults, which contributed to:
- Digital Citizenship – open access and participation in the society with a full digital awareness;
- Digital Inclusion – quality of opportunities in the use of the network and for the development of a fun-innovative culture.
There was a need to tackle the lack of digital skills in Europe, due to the fact that 90% of jobs require some level of digital skills whatever the sector; all jobs will change, and many will disappear while one third of the EU workforce has insufficient digital skills.
In order to support the upskilling of adults, ASK4JOB produced an Informative Kit – a set of tools to assess educational pathway and value digital literacy competences. Direct beneficiaries of this kit were long-term unemployed (2 years or more), low-skilled people and people coming from previous work experience. ASK4JOB adapted the DIGCOMP 2.0 framework to this specific target group, which is quite a new application of the framework.
ASK4JOB aimed at strengthening and upskilling this target group in order to make them efficiently manage information technology for work, leisure time, and communication. The ASK4JOB Kit addressed both public and private employment agencies as well as education providers for adults, who could incorporate the Kit within their upskilling pathways of adults competences.
- Skills Assessment for Job Requirements – an online self-assessment that adapts the DIGCOM 2,0 to the needs of long term unemployed adults, to foster their digital competences, needed to implement work-related activities;
- Capability A-MOOC – tailored to adults completed by guidelines to be used by professional counsellors and adult educators as well as by other professional figures involved in supporting activities for job seekers;
- Appreciative Validation – a procedural methodology (guide) for the appreciative validation of non-formal competence of low-skilled adults.
During the project lifetime, 200 low skilled unemployed adults had benefited of the pathway as testers and they contributed, through their experience, to validate the final tools within the European dimension.
The project had to be delivered trans-nationally because the development of ASK4JOB kit required a degree of internationalization of contents and technical solutions, as well as a validation of products, which allowed its usability at the European level. Moreover, it was essential to get know-how and resources from organizations that complement each other, as no single organization was able to embark on this challenge on its own.
The final conference of the Ask4Job project took place on 27 August 2020 (online). It was organised by ALL DIGITAL and the project consortium and was attended by more than 60 participants.
In pursuit of ASK4JOB objectives, 11 partner organisations (public and private) from 9 countries were combining their expertise in innovative didactics and their competence in the field of adult education. ALL DIGITAL, as pan-European network of non-profit organisations, particularly took care of the transnational impact of the project.
- E.RI.FO. – Ente di ricerca e formazione, Italy – Coordinator
- Instalofi Levante SL, Spain
- Turgutlu Kaymakamligi, Turkey
- Best Cybernetics, Greece
- Foxpopuli, Sweden
- Vilnius Adult Education Center, Lithuania
- Akademia Humanistyczno-Ekonomiczna w Lodzi, Poland
- Directorate of Secondary Education, Greece
- Fundacja Instytut Badan, Poland
- Business Foundation for Education, Bulgaria
- ALL DIGITAL, Belgium