DocEnhance project marks its first year
DocEnhance project aims to enhance transferable skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by developing an employment and innovation-oriented...
DocEnhance project aims to enhance transferable skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by developing an employment and innovation-oriented...
The first event of 2021 for ALL DIGITAL and a few of our members was the (online) kick-off meeting of...
ALL DIGITAL, a leading European association working to enhance digital skills across Europe, is hiring a Programme Officer. We were established...
Hackad - Social Hackademy project is celebrating its 1st anniversary. It’s been a busy year, and we are proud to...
ALL DIGITAL is a partner in the RAYUELA Horizon2020 project that aims to better understand the drivers and human factors...
European Commission's Joint Research Centre in collaboration with ALL DIGITAL's experts published a report on DigComp Self-Assessment Tool (DigCompSAT). The...
Have you done a STE(A)M educational activity in your classroom, and do you have some pictures that show how interesting...
The Biblio Consortium is proud to present the report "Librarianship in Europe - Mapping Professional Needs". The report aims to identify...
Our project STEAMonEdu – “Competence development of STE(A)M educators through online tools and communities” aims to increase the adoption and...
On 11 November 2020, ALL DIGITAL and European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training – EVBB organized “Designing and delivering...
17 November, 2020 Dear Reader, Autumn is harvest time, and in our area as well - with so many activities, reports, new...
Erasmus+ Biblio project, which is being implemented by 10 partners during 2019-2022 and where ALL DIGITAL is a partner, aims...
The Fifteenth Annual Meeting of the Internet Governance Forum (IGF) is hosted online during 9-17 November, by the United Nations under...
04 November 2020 ALL DIGITAL, a leading European association working to enhance digital skills across Europe, is hiring a Programme Officer. We...
Our DocEnhance project aims to enhance transferable skills intelligence and integration into existing PhD programmes by developing an employment and...
The 18th edition of the annual European Week of Regions and Cities took place online over the three weeks in...
European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training and ALL DIGITAL invite you for the online event "Designing and delivering VET curricula in...
The art of Crowddreaming (CDDC) is a methodology that connects young people and educators with cultural heritage and digitalisation in...
DG EAC of European Commission recently published the “European Digital Education action Plan 2021-2027: Resetting education and training for the...
ALL DIGITAL is a partner in a Sector Skills Alliance KA2 project DevOps competences for Smart Cities. The project aims...
On 7 October 2020, at the ALL DIGITAL Summit, we announced the winners of the annual ALL DIGITAL Awards. The...
Both days, 7 and 8 October, the streaming starts at 09:00 CET. We are streaming all plenary sessions, but not...
On 1-2 October, the Kick-off meeting for RAYUELA took place, officially initiating an exciting collaboration between 17 partners in a...
22 September, 2020 Dear Reader, Our main news is about our upcoming ALL DIGITAL Summit on 7-8 October. It has been converted...
We are excited to announce the results of the ALL DIGITAL Awards 2020 edition. Many thanks to all the nominators...
Join us on 20 October at 15:00 CET for a discussion on how to promote Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS)...
31 August 2020 marked the conclusion of the Get Your Facts Straight! project. In 13.5 months, nine project partners from...
The final conference of the "Adult Skills for Job-Oriented Breakthrough" (Ask4Job) project took place on 27 August 2020 online. It...
Join us on 8 October 2020 in the afternoon and learn about Crowddreaming methodology and how to apply it in...
We cordially invite you to attend the ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020, organised on 7-8 October 2020 ONLINE in collaboration with...
Ask4Job is a pathway that supports the development of digital competences and cognitive skills for low-skilled, long-term unemployed adults. The project...
Dear Reader, With our lives gradually getting to a new 'normal', we are happy to share with you our summer newsletter...
The European Commission has launched a public consultation to gather the views of citizens and stakeholders on the future of...
We are happy to confirm that ALL DIGITAL Summit 2020 will take place on 6-8 October in Berlin. The event...
ALL DIGITAL publishes a report on Individual Learning Accounts in the 2020s On the day of the publication by the European...
The DigiEduHack 2020 edition has been launched, and interested organizations can register to become hosting venues of online hackathons, physical...
Ask4Job is a pathway that supports the development of digital competences and cognitive skills for low-skilled, long-term unemployed adults. It...
ALL DIGITAL Annual Report for 2019, featuring last year’s activities and achievements, is published. The report was presented to...
Are you providing STE(A)M activities in formal and non-formal education? Are you a STE(A)M educator or teacher who would like...
ALL DIGITAL, a leading pan-European association working to enhance digital skills across Europe, is hiring a Programme Officer. We were established...