22 Nov “Designing and delivering VET Curricula in the Digital Age” workshop
22 Nov, 2020
On 11 November 2020, ALL DIGITAL and European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training – EVBB organized “Designing and delivering VET curricula in the digital age” online event. The event was part of the European Vocational Skills Week 2020 and addressed the challenges posed to the VET sector by the increasing need for digitized training and training on digital skills.
The importance of responding to the growing needs for upskilling and reskilling of the workforce to support green and digital transition has been further underpinned by the COVID-19 pandemic. The European Commission has taken on the challenges by, among others, launching European Skills Agenda on 1 July 2020, introducing Digital Education Action plan 2021 – 2027 at the end of September and most recently by launching the Pact for Skills at the European Vocational Skills Week 2020.
There are also numerous other initiatives carried by various stakeholders on different levels that aim to contribute to the upskilling and reskilling of people living in the European Union, and our Smart-DevOps project is one of them. With “Designing and delivering VET curricula in the digital age” event we wanted to contribute to mapping challenges, mobilising stakeholders and also providing some solutions for the problems we are facing.
The event gathered 78 participants from VET providers, academia, business, government, and NGOs. It was moderated by Borut Cink, programme officer at ALL DIGITAL, and included the following presentations and discussions (with timings in the video):
00:00:00 Introduction by Moderator Borut Cink, ALL DIGITAL
00:05:00 VET in the Digital Age. Dr Panos Fitsilis, Professor at the University of Thessaly and Smart DevOps project coordinator (presentation)
00:22:20 Challenges for the VET Teachers / Staff due to the covid pandemic and the rising of e-learning. Theodoros Grassos, Secretary General of EVBB (presentation)
00:38:50 The role of VET in reducing the digital skills gap on the labour market. Dr Dolores Sanchez-Bengoa, Vice President and Professor at the University of Applied Management Studies (Mannheim) (presentation)
00:53:00 VET provider solutions and the role of DevOps. Dr Theodoros Panagiotakopoulos, Senior Researcher at Hellenic Open University (presentation)
01:07:40 Smart City Applications and challenges at a Local Level. Discussion with Dimitrios Deligiannis, President of Municipal Council of the Municipality of Larissa, Greece
01:23:00 Digital Education Action plan and plans for DigiComp 2.2 development. Dr. Achilles Kameas, Professor at Hellenic Open University and Chair of ALL DIGITAL Board (presentation)
01:44:25 Q&A; closing remarks
All in all, the speakers agreed that the challenges and demands of our environment call for a continuous holistic development in terms of a combination of technical/digital and transversal skills and competences. Close cooperation of education, industry and governments is the cornerstone for success.
Please see the recording below: