07 Aug Registration for ALL DIGITAL Summit 2020 is open!
07 Aug, 2020
We cordially invite you to attend the ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020, organised on 7-8 October 2020 ONLINE in collaboration with our member organisations Helliwood, JOBLINGE, Digital Opportunities Foundation and with the support of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy.
The Summit 2020 is titled “Competences for the future”, with keynotes, panels and workshops organized around four streams:
- Towards a version 2.2 of DigComp > DIGCOMP
- The future of digital competence centres > FUTURE
- Recognition of digital competence certificates in Europe > CERTIFICATION
- Lessons learned during Covid-19 > LESSONS
Check the PROGRAMME to learn more about the sessions.
The Summit is organised ONLINE, and the registration is mandatory. To register for the event, please complete the REGISTRATION FORM by 1 October 2020.