Launch of the Engaged Digital Citizenship Policy Paper – 20241209
Brussels, December 09, 2024 Today in Brussels, at the Umbria Region Brussels Office, ALL DIGITAL hosted a policy event featuring the...
Brussels, December 09, 2024 Today in Brussels, at the Umbria Region Brussels Office, ALL DIGITAL hosted a policy event featuring the...
The European launch event – 17 March (14:00-16:00) This high-level event will discuss this year’s campaign and involve representatives from the European Commission,...
ALL DIGITAL, together with Lifelong Learning Platform, Learning for Well-being, Cémea, eucen and Solidar is glad to invite you to our event on Inclusion and...
Final Insights and Campaign Highlights Date: 19 June at 14.00-15.30 Join us by registering on Webex Narrative The ALL DIGITAL Weeks awareness-raising campaign ended on...
In the framework of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 campaign ALL DIGITAL, in collaboration with Mediawijs organised a conference highlighting...
The International Launch Event of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 campaign, themed "What’s next for Digital Skills? Beyond the European...
Digital inclusion remains one of the biggest challenges of the digital transformation. The increasing digitalisation of essential services, the labour...
The ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2024 international launch event titled “What’s next for Digital Skills? Beyond the European Year of Skills and the...
Dear Stakeholders, We are thrilled to invite you for the upcoming Final Conference of the Innovative Digital Education for Active Healthy...
In an increasingly digital world, digital well-being emerges as a crucial aspect of our interactions through digital tools. Recognised as...
In a frame of late summer days, the ALL DIGITAL Summit titled “Skills for digital tomorrow” took place in Zagreb....
ALL DIGITAL 2023 Summit: Skills for Digital Tomorrow Empowering Europe's Workforce in the European Year of Skills Zagreb, 26 September 2023 The much-anticipated...
Background Being online is a way of living for young Europeans: According to Eurostat, a large majority of young people in...
Enhancing Critical Thinking through Media Literacy - CrAL Final International Workshop 25 September 2023, 14:00-17:00 Steve Jobs room, Algebra University Campus, Zagreb,...
Introduction: We have released our report on the AD Weeks 2023 Report FINAL, an extensive awareness raising campaign that spanned across...
Updated on August 28, 2023 Sessions with teachers and trainers on: Using DigComp to design learning activities on digital content generation...
Join us for the ALL DIGITAL Summit - Skills for Digital Tomorrow, the premier event for learning and networking in...
The ALL DIGITAL Weeks are the pan-European awareness raising campaign on digital skills for inclusion, empowerment, and employment, running from 17 April to...
INFO PACKAGE The ALL DIGITAL Summit 2022 takes place in Prague on 28-30 September 2022. It focuses on the effects of...
ALL Digital launches its Innovation camp to create solutions for gender inclusion on the topic of STEM education and lifelong learning...
On 23.06 join the webinar on ‘Women in tech – what role should companies play?’, co-hosted by ALL DIGITAL and...
TO REGISTER, PLEASE SCROLL DOWN Join a diverse digital skills community in the heart of the EU! An eventful evening is awaiting...
STE(A)M related disciplines are becoming increasingly relevant to enhance digital skills and overall problem-solving competences for the digital age. That...
On Thursday, 25 November, from 9:30-13:15 CET, the DevOps competences for Smart Cities (Smart DevOps) project consortium will hold a...
1. Background to the project ICT 4 the Elderly addresses what has become known as “online ageing”, by offering older adults...
On Monday 22 March 2021, ALL DIGITAL launched its annual All Digital Week campaign with a high-level online stakeholder event...
Join us on 20 October at 15:00 CET for a discussion on how to promote Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS)...
We cordially invite you to attend the ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT 2020, organised on 7-8 October 2020 ONLINE in collaboration with...
Ask4Job is a pathway that supports the development of digital competences and cognitive skills for low-skilled, long-term unemployed adults. The project...
The DigiEduHack 2020 edition has been launched, and interested organizations can register to become hosting venues of online hackathons, physical...
ALL DIGITAL is organising a webinar "Smart Cities for Smart Citizens" on 20 May at 13:00 CEST. The webinar is organised...
Date: October 6-8, 2016 Location: Ghent, Belgium Organiser(s): Telecentre Europe and Digipolis Ghent Target Audience: NGOs and non-profits working on the topics described;...
Date: 8 December 2015 Location: European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium Organiser(s): Telecentre Europe Target Audience: NGOs and non-profits working on digital literacy, e-participation, active...
Theme: Digitally empowered Europeans Date: 24-25 September 2015 Location: Belgrade, Serbia Organiser(s): Telecentre Europe together with International Aid Network (Serbia) Target Audience: NGOs and...
Theme: eSkills for the 21st century Date: 24-26 September 2014 Location: Zagreb, Croatia Organiser(s): Telecentre Europe Target Audience: Telecentres, NGOs, ICT industry representatives, European...
Together with Miguel Raimilla (Managing Director of Foundation – TCF), Gabriel Rissola (Managing Director of Telecentre-Europe AISBL – TE) will participate at the 1st International...
On July 2nd & 6th , Telecentre-Europe’s Romanian member organization EOS Foundation organized the second and third Award Ceremony for the winning telecentres of the “Hai pe...
Today, May 17th is World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD or Internet Day) and Foundation (TCF) is celebrating this day with two... Foundation’s Community Learning Program has been declared a winner of one of the 18 project prizes of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) ...
During March 2012, our overseas colleagues from Foundation (TCF) have been running the first “TELEWISE Tip Contest”, sharing some telecentre wisdom with...