09 Dec Launch of the Engaged Digital Citizenship Policy Paper – 20241209
09 Dec, 2024
Brussels, December 09, 2024
Today in Brussels, at the Umbria Region Brussels Office, ALL DIGITAL hosted a policy event featuring the launch of the policy paper ”Challenges and proposals for an engaged digital citizenship”. The event included an insightful policy panel discussion focused on the topics of the paper, with policy representatives from authorities, industry, academia and civil society. Mr. Thibaut Kleiner, the Director for Policy, Strategy, and Outreach at the European Commission’s DG Connect; Ms. Vania Neto, EMEA Skilling Lead, Microsoft; Mr. Christoph Kaletka, Deputy Director of Social Research Center, Technical University of Dortmund; and Ms. Janine Patricia Santos, Policy Advisor, European Digital Rights (EDRi).
The policy paper, jointly presented by Peter Palvolgyi, CEO of ALL DIGITAL, and Guillem Porres, Project Director at Fundación Esplai, builds upon discussions held during the Summit of Engaged Digital Citizenship co-organised by their respective associations in Madrid in October. The report outlines actionable proposals addressing key societal challenges in the digital age.
During his presentation, Peter Palvolgyi highlighted the importance of bridging the digital divide: “We need to implement policies that ensure equitable access to digital resources for disadvantaged groups and the improvement of their skills.” He then concluded: “We must foster digital well-being. It is essential that digital technologies improve people’s quality of life without compromising their physical or mental health.”
Guillem Porres emphasized: “This document of proposals aligns perfectly with 2025, the European Year of Digital Citizenship Education, promoted by the Council of Europe. This is a crucial moment to boost digital citizenship education across Europe, and our proposals aim to significantly contribute to this goal.”
The panel discussion moderated by Altheo Valentini, ALL DIGITAL President, was highlighting the significance of convening such a diverse group of experts to discuss the pressing issues surrounding engaged digital citizenship. The discussion focused on the four thematic streams outlined in the policy document: fostering the digital society, media literacy, digital rights and well-being, and digital social innovation. Panellists identified additional areas for exploration and shared best practices for advancing digital citizenship education across Europe.
The formal part was followed by the ALL DIGITAL End-of-Year Reception, fostering further dialogue on how digital transformation can advance inclusion and citizenship across Europe.
The paper, informed by the contributions of hundreds of individuals and organizations from over 50 countries, identifies the following challenges and solutions:
- Fostering the Digital Society: by minimizing technology’s environmental impact and encouraging empathetic digital interactions.
- Educating in Media Literacy, Data, and Artificial Intelligence: by teaching critical thinking to combat misinformation and reducing skill inequalities through expanded access to digital resources and training.
- Defending Digital Rights, Online Safety, and Well-Being: by strengthening privacy regulations and promoting responsible and balanced technology use.
- Promoting Digital Social Innovation: by developing technology solutions addressing societal challenges and empowering citizens to co-create digital solutions for their communities.