02 Nov ICT 4 the elderly – Webinar on 17 Nov: “How to enhance digital skills of older adults”
02 Nov, 2021
1. Background to the project
ICT 4 the Elderly addresses what has become known as “online ageing”, by offering older adults (55-74) a learning opportunity to help them understand how the Internet can improve their quality of life through on-line social interaction. It is based on the approach of empowering a group of older adults already active in the online world as ambassadors towards their peers.
2. Aim and format of the event
The aim of the event will be to explore the theme relating to age and digital skills and present the project results, including policy recommendations, to the stakeholders and practitioners.
3. Who should attend?
The event will take place online and will be aimed at stakeholders working directly with older people, especially those focused on peer-to-peer learning and digital skills.
4. Event narrative
With an increasing aging population, older adults are a significantly important segment of society who cannot be left behind. However almost all digital technology consumer products and services are designed, produced, and exclusively marketed by and for younger people. In parallel with this paradox, older people are more likely to be victims of cybercrime.
The economic impact of digitally excluding older people is very hard to measure, but not only must older people be protected and empowered by technology, they must be a key part of the digital world of the future. If this is not addressed, in future older people will be less independent, less creative, contribute less economically (further fuelling the pension crisis), be more isolated and more disconnected.
The group of 55–74-year-olds is not homogenous, there are older adults who are more active in the digital world than other. The ICT 4 the elderly capitalises on their potential and trains them to become ambassadors of digital skills for their peers. In the first half, the event will consider the overall topic of digital inclusion of older adults, while in the second part, it will focus on the peer-to-peer learning methodology developed by the project.
5. Programme
14:00 – Welcome and opening – Peter Palvolgyi (CEO ALL DIGITAL)
14:05 – Panel debate on ICT skills needed by elderly people and how to enhance them
– Grazyna Busse, HIPOCAMP, Poland
– Irina Kalderon Libal, Policy Officer, eHealth and Ageing Policy, CNECT, EC
– Eric Gijssen, Coordinator ‘Vier het Leven’, Fedos, Belgium
(Questions will be taken from the audience)
14:45 – Project methodology (online academy, topics, the idea of the ambassadors) – Leonor Afonso (Ynternet.org)
15:05 – Coffee break
15:15 – Implementation, how it was received by the elderly, challenges (incl. COVID) – Fiona Tesi, Tech.mt
15:30 – Testimony from a participant – short interview
15:40 – Policy recommendations – Gabriela Ruseva (ALL DIGITAL)
15:50 – Questions and Summing up.
16:00 – Closing
If you want to attend the event, register here.