01 Mar All Digital Week 2021 – Be a digital hero!
01 Mar, 2021
All Digital Week strives to give people tools and approaches to develop and enhance their digital skills. It is organised by European association ALL DIGITAL, in collaboration with various partners at local, national, and European level.
Since 2010, the campaign has involved over 1 300 000 people. For many of them, it was their first acquaintance with digital technology, they made their first clicks and went online for the first time, which encouraged them to continue training further. This is the 12th year of the Europe-wide campaign, and it is more important than ever: Europe needs better digital skills to go beyond the pandemic.
According to Digital Economy and Society Index DESI, 42% of EU Population do not possess even basic digital skills, and with All Digital Week, we want to help them start their digital journeys and improve their digital competences and confidence to do it.
Stats from Digital Economy and Society Index Report 2020 (1), Digital Education Action Plan Factsheet (2,3), Fake news and disinformation online report (4), Attitudes towards the impact of digitisation and automation on daily life survey findings (5)
Anyone can be part of All Digital Week!
Any organisation or individual can join the campaign by running a digital skills training or awareness raising event and adding it to the map of events.
It is very easy! Follow these 3 simple steps:
- Organise an event from 1 March till 16 April under one of the core themes:
- Basic Digital Skills and Media Literacy
- Coding, STE(A)M, and AI
- Advanced Digital Skills and Employability
- Digital Cultural Heritage
- Add it to the map of events
- Promote your event with hashtags #AllDigitalWeek2021 and #iteachdigital and using All Digital Week banners
JOIN international events of All Digital Week (in English)
This year, ALL DIGITAL and our project partners and members will run events each day of the main week of the campaign and beyond. All the times are in Central European Time (Brussels, Berlin, Paris, Amsterdam, etc.).
- 22 March 10:30-12:30 – All Digital Week 2021 Launch Event: Digital Skills for a Stronger Europe (learn more and watch)
- 22 March 14:00-15:30 – Digital SkillShift webinar on re-skilling and up-skilling for online working (learn more and watch)
- 23 March 13:00-14:30 – MyDigiSkills – launch of the self-reflection tool to assess digital competences across 6 levels of DigComp (learn more and watch)
- 24 March 15:00-16:15 – Smart-DevOps project webinar “Developing training methodologies and content for specific job profiles” (learn more and watch)
- 25 March 14:00-17:15 – CDDC conference “Crowddreaming: Youth co-create Digital Culture” (learn more and watch)
- 26 March 14:30-16:00 – STEAMonEdu webinar “Competence needs and professional development of STE(A)M educators” (learn more and watch)
- 29 March 14:00-15:30 – ReStory Project – focus group “ReWrite your story” (learn more)
- 30 March 15:00-16:30 – Open-AE webinar “The Free Libre Open Source Software culture: work, employment, and adult education” (learn more and watch)
- 31 March 10:00-11:45 – Biblio project webinar “Boosting digital skills and competences for librarians” (learn more and watch)
Let us know what you are planning for the campaign!
If you are planning activities at national or regional level, share your stories on http://www.unite-it.eu/ – some of the interesting ones will be published on the campaign website alldigitalweek.eu