Individual Learning Accounts in the 2020s • ALL DIGITAL
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Start date:  February 18, 2020

Location:  Brussels, NH Brussels Berlaymont

Organiser(s):  ALL DIGITAL AISBL

Target audience:  Policy makers, government, educators, industry

Individual Learning Accounts in the 2020s

29 Jan, 2020


A high-level event for policymakers, government, educators, and industry


>>Read the blogpost about Individual Learning accounts

>>Watch the video

Event details

  • Date: 18th Feb 2020, 10h30 – 13h00 (Registration and coffee from 09h30)
  • Location: NH Brussels Berlaymont, Bvd Charlemagne 11/19, Brussels, BE (Metro: Schuman)
  • Format: A morning event of two hours followed by networking with light lunch
  • Language: Event will be held in English
  • Click here to register. Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis
  • Webstreaming on ALL DIGITAL Youtube, Twitter chat for questions using #ILAs2020s 


Event Narrative

The event will explore the models and opportunities that derive from implementing Individual Learning Accounts (ILAs) in the 2020s across Europe. In the digital job market ILAs could be highly relevant to make training rights “portable” from one job or employment status to another. And they could have a huge impact on the digital skills gaps countries are facing, supporting competitiveness and economic development.

Speakers and panellists will discuss benefits and implications for national governments, the education sector, industry and employers, and society as a whole. ALL DIGITAL is currently delivering ‘Digital Skillshift’, a project supported by J.P. Morgan which includes comparable training models with and without the use of ILA type funding.  Lessons from current and previous ILA case studies will also be discussed, as well as exploring possible models for testing.




09h30:   Registration and Coffee

10h30: Welcome
        – Renato Sabbadini, CEO, ALL DIGITAL

10h40: Keynote addresses

    – Nicolas Schmit, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion, European Commission

    – Stefano Scarpetta, Director for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD

11h30    Panel Discussion

    – Hanka Boldemann, J.P. Morgan Global Philanthropy – Moderator

    – Antoine Saint-Denis, Director Europe and International, DG Jobs & Vocational training, Ministry for Labour, France

    – Eva Maydell, MEP, EPP, Member of Committee on Industry, Research and Energy

    – Brikena Xhomaqi, Director, Lifelong Learning Platform

    – Robert Plummer, Senior Advisor, Business Europe


12h30    Summing up

    – Professor Achilles Kameas, Hellenic Open University, Chair of ALL DIGITAL

Followed by light lunch and networking

13h30    Close



Register here

Please note that places are limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis

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