21 Mar 21.03 Fostering Digital Skills & The Value of Certification
21 Mar, 2022
The Week 2 Launch Event of the ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2022 campaign will draw attention not only to the importance of digital literacy but also the value of certification.
It will showcase what the Certiport partners and ALL DIGITAL members do together and provide information on the skilling solutions that can help all digital partners with their work. Finally it will provide a value of certification pack free of change with one voucher for a free certification test to those who are interested.
We would like to invite you to join the event which shows best practices in collaborations to foster digital skills and certification.
The event is supported by CERTIPORT.
14h00 Welcome – ALL DIGITAL and ALL DIGITAL Weeks
Peter Palvolgyi, ALL DIGITAL CEO
Welcome, introduction to ALL DIGITAL and ALL DIGITAL Weeks 2022 campaign
14h10 Welcome – Certiport, A Pearson VUE Business
Fiona Fanning, Director of European Affairs,
Digital skills as a right and the certification capstone
Arek Jaworski, Regional Education Manager (Presentation)
Certification and future Skills
14h30 Panel Discussion best practice in collaborations to foster digital skills and certification
Gabriela Ford, Certipro
Laurentiu Bunescu, EOS Foundation,
Guillem Porres, Technician of the Esplai foundation
14h50 Joining Force for Impact:
Free exam offer and value of certification pack by Fiona Fanning
Closing – All Digital
Fiona Fanning
Director of European Affairs, Certiport, a Pearson VUE business, Brussels
Fiona Fanning is Director of European Affairs for Certiport, a Pearson VUE Business, responsible for Europe policy, international public affairs and funding. Previously Fiona served as Secretary General of CEPIS, the Council of European Professional Informatics Societies, running this pan-European organisation for a number of years. In her capacity as European Affairs Manager of ECDL Foundation, Fiona oversaw European policy, strategic advocacy, communications and ran the national operations in Belgium.
As part of her work in advocating for the promotion of digital skills and certification in Europe, Fiona holds the position of Chair of the Board of Directors of the European e-Skills Association (EeSA), a community of stakeholders supporting the development of digital literacy and e-skills in Europe. She is also an advisory board member to All Digital Europe.
Arek Jaworski
Director of Education DACH, CEE and CIS at Pearson
Arek Jaworski is Director of Education DACH, CEE and CIS at Pearson
and is responsible for Certiport’s learning and certification programmes in IT and entrepreneurship in over 20 countries across Europe and Central Asia. Certiport, part of Pearson, is global organisation dedicated to helping people succeed through learning and certification. Arek studied English Language Teaching and Didactics at the University of Eastern Finland, holds a Master’s degree in English Studies from Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin, Poland and the Chartered Institute of Marketing Diploma in Professional Marketing. He has over 20 years of experience in education and assessment globally with such renowned institutions as Cambridge Assessment (a department of the University of Cambridge), British Council, Bell Education and Pearson.
Gabriela Ford
Certipro Education
Gabriela Ford has established EOS Romania Foundation in 1998 with a vision to support digital inclusion in Romania. Over the past 20 years, Gabriela has worked in the field of ICT in education, social development and participatory strategic planning with a special focus on ICT for development. In 2013, she established Certipro Education, the Certiport partner for Romania and has developed key strategic partnerships with the Ministry of Education and over 1000 schools in Romania to bring IT learning and certification closer to academic institutions.
Laurentiu Bunescu
Head of Digital Education Programmes at Fundatia EOS Romania
Laurentiu Bunescu is currently Head of Digital Education Programmes at Fundatia EOS Romania. In his role, Laurentiu coordinates the major programmes run by EOS, as well as supporting the advocacy, networking and fundraising activities. He is also serving as a member of the Global Digital Literacy Council and as a member of ALL DIGITAL Board. Previously, he was the CEO of ALL DIGITAL in Brussels, a European network of digital competence centres, where he supervised the strategic development of the organization, the development of existing and new partnerships, and the growth of membership. Laurentiu is an expert in the fields of digital inclusion, digital competences and education, in a multi-cultural, international context. He is skilled in the management of digital competence centre networks, with a strong background in the non-profit sector and vast knowledge of the European digital inclusion policies and initiatives.
Guillem Porres
Technician at Esplai Foundation
Guillem Porres, Project Manager in Socio-educational and e-Inclusion Area of Fundación Esplai. Digital Youth Worker with a specialty in Programming, Educational Robotics and 3D Printing. For more than 5 years he has been leading digital literacy, certification and Artificial Intelligence projects in his organization.