PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: MindGuard with its participatory framework, VR platform and proposed training for mental health prevention and first aid...
PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND OBJECTIVES: MindGuard with its participatory framework, VR platform and proposed training for mental health prevention and first aid...
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The “Code4Europe – empowering the new generation of Young Digital Europeans” project aims to bring together all of Europe’s...
The main objective of the ENNE+ project is to enhance the capacity of VET providers to contribute to the transformative...
Digital literacy and tackling disinformation are among the top three digital skills needed for the 21st century. Teachers need to...
BACKGROUND Educating students in informatics at school is essential to equip every citizen with the necessary knowledge to participate, influence, and...
The twin green and digital transitions are reshaping the way we work and the deployment of advanced technologies, such as...
Europe is home to close to 5000, higher education institutions, 17.5 million tertiary, education students, 1.35 million people teaching in...
The main objective of the EAGLE project is to create a new educational methodology for adult educators. The educators will...
The T4R project aims to increase resilience and innovation capacity of public authorities, higher education and research organizations, SMEs, and...
Social Economy Transition Skills project aims at developing, testing and disseminating suitable skills development programmes and training modules, to foster...
This Erasmus+ project aims at innovating the way VET providers in the gaming sector organise and implement their orientation activities...
The ADEDU project aims at supporting educators, trainers and learning centres in upskilling and innovating their offers by including people...
GREEN AT YOU - Social Innovations for Inclusive Green and Digital Jobs is an innovative project that offers a comprehensive...
The European Skills Agenda recognises the importance of soft skills. There are still at least two important gaps between soft skills and both...
EPISODE aims to empower vocational education and training providers to enhance the resilience, digital readiness, and growth of social entrepreneurship,...
Most educational institutions were obliged to use digital environments for teaching due to the Covid19 pandemic. Pushing for digital transformation in...
CYANOTYPES project brings together a wide variety of organisations, stakeholders, and European networks to address the needs and skills gaps...
The pan-European All Digital Week (originally called Get Online Week - GOW) is an annual digital inclusion and empowerment campaign...