08 Nov GREEN AT YOU – Social Innovations for Inclusive Green and Digital Jobs
08 Nov, 2023
GREEN AT YOU – Social Innovations for Inclusive Green and Digital Jobs is an innovative project that offers a comprehensive methodology based on social innovation, a network of valuable partnerships, and a set of transformative training pathways aimed at fostering high levels of employment and creating a resilient workforce primed for the future of work.
This initiative focuses on addressing the challenges and opportunities associated with the green and digital transition in Europe, aiming to make green job opportunities more inclusive and accessible to people in vulnerable situations. The project addresses the pressing needs of the European Commission’s agenda for a cleaner environment, green economy, and digitalization, aligning with initiatives like the European Green Deal and the EU Digital Strategy. The project recognizes the urgency of supporting affected social segments, adapting labour policies, promoting mobility, and developing educational frameworks to bridge occupational shortages and skill gaps, as outlined in the New Skills Agenda and the Green Employment Initiative.
GREEN AT YOU focuses on empowering women, people with migrant backgrounds, young NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), and long-term unemployed individuals by equipping them with the essential skills needed to seize the opportunities emerging from the shift towards green and digital economies. The project is centred around five key sub-sectors within the green economy: renewable energies, sustainable construction and building rehabilitation, agriculture and food production, circular economy, and forestry.
The project will develop and pilot a series of micro-credential certified training modules based on key transversal competences across the EU Competence Frameworks: EntreComp, GreenComp and DigComp.
Fundación Acción contra el Hambre (ACH)
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo (ECODES)
European Grants International Academy (EGInA)
Next Nuova Economia per Tutti (NeXt)
Additionally, GREEN AT YOU collaborates with a network of 12 associated partners, further expanding the reach and impact of the project.
In this spirit, the project gives special attention to close collaborations with a wide range of stakeholders, including, policymakers, green jobs alliances, national and European-level organizations, relevant employers, companies in strategic sub-sectors, as well as trainers and vocational education and training (VET) providers. This collective effort is crucial to ensuring the success and sustainability of the initiative and aims to foster an inclusive economy that supports a fairer transition by actively engaging all relevant stakeholders. Stakeholders are invited to join the strategic alliance by filling in this form.