21 Dec Already 21 countries represented for the EU27 MIREIA survey
21 Dec, 2012
So far, 20 partner organizations representing 21 countries of the EU27 have signed a partnership with Telecentre-Europe (TE) and will act as national branches that will disseminate the MIREIA survey in their (neighbouring) countries.
Telecentre-Europe’s network of member organizations has shown off to be one of the strongest eInclusion communities in Europe. In no less then 2 weeks, partnership agreement were signed with 20 organizations, who – again in a record time of only a week – translated the survey into no less then 15 languages.
The survey will Measure the Impact of eInclusion Actors on Digital Literacy, Skills and Inclusion goals of the Digital Agenda for Europe (=”MIREIA”), will be launched on January 2, 2013 and will be available to be filled online by any European eInclusion organization until February 15
To reach all EU27 countries, Telecentre-Europe is still looking for MIREIA partners in Austria, Estonia, Greece, Cyprus, Slovenia & Finland that want to act as the national branch for conducting the survey in their country.
» Interested in joining MIREIA as a national partner? Contact us at eiMAP@telecentre-europe.org