15 Apr ALL DIGITAL General Assembly 2018
15 Apr, 2018
The ALL DIGITAL’s 8th General Assembly was held on 8 May, followed by a membership meeting on 9 May.
General Assembly consists of representatives of ALL DIGITAL member organisations (one representative per organisation) and is held once a year. At General Assembly 2018, the network members reviewed and approved the main documents, such as the Annual Accounts, Report, Action Plan. Budget, etc. Also the new Strategic plan for 2018-2020 was presented and discussed.
In 2018 General Assembly we held additional Board election for 2 Board member positions. Any representative of the member organisation could be nominated for the Board; the nominations were closed on 24 April, two weeks before the General Assembly on 8 May. Following the elections of two new Board members, the General Assembly also elected a new Deputy Chair and a Financial Controller.
The Member’s meeting is the opportunity for members to debate and agree on the main events and member services. The Membership meeting on 9 May included the following items for discussion:
- Membership engagement and services for members
- Training opportunities for members
- ALL DIGITAL WEEK – results and impact in 2018; collective planning for 2019
- Pathways4Employ workshop “Digital skills needed in two interesting profiles for employment offering opportunities in the coming years: entrepreneur and ‘virtual worker”
- ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT – presentation of concept; discussion on the programme, format and speakers
- NetAcad programme – presentation of the partnership between ALL DIGITAL and Cisco; Opportunities for members to join