10 Apr ALL DIGITAL General Assembly 2019
10 Apr, 2019
ALL DIGITAL General Assembly and members’ meeting 2019 will be held on 22-24 May in Brussels. The formal General Assembly on 23 May will be framed by informal members’ meetings.
The whole event has four main parts:
- The purpose of the General Assembly (23 May) is to review, discuss and vote on the approval of last year’s activity report and accounts as well as the work plan and budget planned for 2019. A new Board, Chair, Deputy Chair and Financial controllers will be elected during the General Assembly meeting – this part is only for ALL DIGITAL members
- The membership meeting (23 May), allowing delegates to review the results of the membership survey and to discuss the membership benefits and services, including training opportunities. Also, members will be invited to provide inputs, share their experience and contribute to the ALL DIGITAL WEEK campaign and the ALL DIGITAL SUMMIT, to officially adopt a Manifesto for digital skills, which will be shared for review in April. During a pitching session the members will be able to present their projects or initiatives. This part is only for ALL DIGITAL members
- A conference of the UMI-Sci-Ed project: Exploiting Ubiquitous Computing, Mobile Computing and the Internet of Things to promote STEM Education (22 May). Would you like to attend? Click here.
- A workshop “Integration of Migrants through ICT and digital skills” organised by the Digital Welcome project (24 May). Learn more and register here.