Be Internet Citizens Training Workshop • ALL DIGITAL
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Theme:  Media Literacy, critical thinking, digital citizenship

Start date:  March 18, 2019

End date:  March 18, 2019

Location:  Rue de la Loi, 91 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Organiser(s):  Google Europe and ALL DIGITAL

Target audience:  Trainers


Be Internet Citizens Training Workshop

08 Mar, 2019

Are you interested in media literacy?

Would you like to be trained to deliver the Be Internet Citizens Curriculum? 

Google Europe and ALL DIGITAL invite you to

Be Internet Citizens Training Workshop


While social media now plays a vital role in the everyday lives of young people as citizens, education systems across the developed world have been slow to react. Extremist groups rely on false promises of status and purpose, manipulation, conspiracy and divisive rhetoric to exploit young people online. Against these methods, critical thinking skills and media literacy, social and emotional skills and meaningful digital citizenship capacities are a strong defence.

Today’s young people may be digital natives, but they still need to be taught how to stay safe, make their voices heard and play a positive role as citizens in the online space.

Be Internet Citizens seeks to meet this need. A partnership between Google, YouTube Creators for Change and ISD, the project is designed to teach 13 to 15-year-olds about media literacy, critical thinking and digital citizenship, encouraging young people to be positive voices online while increasing their resilience to hate and extremism.

­Using an implicit approach to counter-extremism which focuses on popular culture and social issues, the project delivers positive secondary effects, helping participants become more informed citizens, critical consumers and empowered producers of content.

The workshop is organised by Google Europe and ALL DIGITAL as part of EU Media Literacy Week and contributing to the ALL DIGITAL Week campaign.


See Be Internet Citizens Training Invite with the information on trainers

Number of places is limited, and registration is mandatory.



TIME: 18 March 14:00 – 18:00

PLACE: Rue de la Loi 91, Brussels


13:30 – 13:55       Registration
14:00 – 14:15       Welcome & introduction
14:15 – 15:00       Lesson 1 – Three sides to every story
15:00 – 15:30      Lesson 2 – Emotional manipulation
15:30 – 16:00      Break

16:00 – 16:45      Lesson 3 – Us vs Them
16:45 – 17:45       Lesson 4 – Haters gonna hate
17:45 – 18:00      Hosts close the event