21 Oct Celebrating finalists and winners of ALL DIGITAL Awards 2018
21 Oct, 2018
On the evening of 18 October 2018, participants of the ALL DIGITAL Summit celebrated the finalists of ALL DIGITAL Awards. Over 100 guests gathered in the Inspire Room of the Hotel Bloom to meet the finalists, learn who the winners are, and congratulate them. The Ceremony was hosted by ALL DIGITAL Chief Operating Officer Peter Palvolgyi and Communication manager Ekaterina Clifford.
In 2018, the Awards Competition was held for the 6th time to recognise the achievements of individuals and organisations across Europe that enable people to exploit the benefits and opportunities created by digital transformation.

Trophies 2018 created by 3D Trophy Factory
The entries were submitted in five categories:
- Best Digital Resource
- Best Cooperation project
- Best Digital Changemaker
- Best e-Facilitator
- BRIGHTS Digital Story
There was one more very important campaign in March where there was another competition, and the winners of which were also part of the celebration – the ALL DIGITAL Week. And the Awards ceremony started with this category.
The 2018 ALL DIGITAL Week campaign turned out to be one of the most successful – it united 4,070 partners from 32 countries to offer 5,445 events to over 125,000 participants. Out of the events presented on the map the jury selected the ten finalists and then the three winners. The winners were invited to participate in the Summit and the Awards Ceremony.
- Best promo event: From Digiblaha to Digiaha, Finland
For the first time this year the ALL DIGITAL Week was organized in Finland thanks to our cooperation with Bildningsalliansen and Make it Finland. A big opening day called From Digiblaha to Digiaha was held on 19 March. Bildningsalliansen is the organization that united various partners, and at the Ceremony it was represented by Liisa Tiainen of VTKL – The Finnish Association for the Welfare of Older People.
Both training events were a series of events:
- Best training event ‘Introduction to Cybersecurity’ for 380 students at Ienachita Văcărescu National College in Targoviste, Romania as part of Introduction to Cybersecurity training course of the Cisco NetAcad programme. The teachers from the College Anca Mihaela Rafira and Catalina Estera Vlad were present at the Ceremony.
- Best training event “All Digital Ring” in Extremadura, Spain, with 1100 users was based on a Scratch project and supported by ALL DIGITAL member AUPEX. AUPEX and All Digital Ring was represented by Antonio Roman-Casas.
CEO of ALL DIGITAL Laurentiu Bunescu awarded the Certificates and congratulated the winners. Learn more about the events on the campaign website
The BRIGHTS Awards have been launched by the BRIGHTS project consortium to acknowledge the best digital stories on Global Citizenship topics produced by young project participants in four countries: Belgium, Croatia, Italy and Greece. The national winners were selected in each country and, together with their trainers and tutors, they were invited to participate in the Summit and the ceremony. The digital stories, produced by winners and shown during the event, touched the hearts of the audience.
The national winners are:
- Kevin Malnar, Croatia, supported by teacher Tanja Sebalj-Kocet and national tutor Sanjin Smajlovic from CTK Rijeka
- Victoria Ivanova, Greece, supported by trainer Maria Pyrgaki and national tutor Nikos Patselis from HePIS
- Nicolo Fatone, Italy, supported by trainer Annalisa di Zanni and national tutor Luca Pagliaricci from CSF
- Wannes Hendriks, Belgium, supported by trainer and national tutor Jochem Devens from MAKS
The European winner was selected by the international jury, and was announced at the ceremony by Tony Sumner, co-founder of the Patient Voices, UK. It was the story “Wannes” by Wannes Hendriks from Belgium.
You can watch all the stories following the links above.
The finalists in this category are:
- “Les Bons Clics” by WeTechCare, represented by Jean Deydier
- “Seniors@DigiWorld Online Course” represented by Roger Esteller Curto, from the project partner CIDET – Centre for the innovation and development of education and technology
- BRIGHTS MOOC “Addressing Global Citizenship Education Through Digital Storytelling” represented by Achilles Kameas, DAISSY Research Group of Hellenic Open University, which led the creation of the MOOC.
Fernando Trujillo Saez, senior lecturer from Granada University and content creator at Conecta13 announced the winner: the BRIGHTS MOOC.
This category involved at least two ALL DIGITAL member organisations working together. The finalist projects are:
- “Digital Skills for You(th)” represented by Virginia Pareja from project partner ESPLAI Foundation
- “Connect Seniors to the Digital World” represented by Nenja Wolbers from the project lead partner Stiftung Digitale Chancen
- “Smart Women” represented by Mark Schembri from the project lead partner Malta Communications Authority
The Awards were presented by Sara Van Damme from Digipolis Gent, the Board Member of ALL DIGITAL. And the winner in this category is “Connect Seniors to the Digital World”, implemented by four organisations: SDC (Stiftung Digitale Chancen), Germany; VIPT – Rural Internet Access Points Association, Lithuania, EOS – Educating for an Open Society, Romania, CIDET – Centre for the innovation and development of education and technology, Spain.
This category is usually the most exciting, as e-facilitators are the ones working every day with people in centres, helping them in their digital journeys, and also the winner is defined by both the jury and public votes combined. This year there was a tie, so four e-facilitators became the finalists, and all of them are from Spain:
- Antonio Collado – e-facilitator at Pere Tarres Foundation, part of PuntTIC network
- Gema Parrado-Leon – e-facilitator at AUPEX, Puebla de la Calzada
- Mercedes Olea Rodríguez – e-facilitator at Guadalinfo, Albaida del Aljarafe / Sevilla
- Juan Acosta López – e-facilitator at Guadalinfo, Mengibar
Mara Jakobsone, Vice-President of Latvian Information and Communication Technology Association (LIKTA) and Chair of ALL DIGITAL Board presented the awards and announced the Best e-facilitator 2018 – Mercedes Olea Rodriguez.
Best Digital Changemaker category was presented by Austeja Trinkunajte, Secretary General of CEPIS – Council of European Professional Informatics Societies and member of the Advisory Board of ALL DIGITAL. The finalists in this category are:
- José Miguel Morales-Miranda – e-facilitator and content developer at AUPEX; Moraleja, Spain
- Angel Martin – trainer at digital competence centers in Castilla y León (CyL Digital), Association of Telecentre Networks; Ávila, Spain
- Linda Mannila – founder of Make It Finland and Digismart, researcher at Linköping University; Parainen, Finland
And Linda Mannila became the winner in this category. Thus we started the ceremony with Finland, and finished it with the Finnish winner.
We are pleased that our finalists and winners are coming not only from the ALL DIGITAL network, but also outside of it, and we hope more and more people will learn about the awards and nominate their projects and colleagues next year.
See all the photos from the Awards Ceremony on our Flickr
Our big thanks to all those who sent their applications and shared the stories of people, organisations, and projects. Thank you to jury members for evaluations and to 3D Trophy Factory for creating the beautiful trophies!