01 Jul Teaching e-Skills for jobs to be discussed in Zagreb
01 Jul, 2014
Telecentre Europe invites professionals from the formal and informal education those interested in the topic of digital skills and media literacy skills to a 3-day event to take place in Zagreb on 24-26th September.
Organised together with European project leaders from Unite IT, Trans e-facilitator and Telecentre Multimedia Academy (TMA) this year’s conference will address the eSkills needed for the 21st century. The preliminary programme will cover digital inclusion, eSkills and digital jobs and media literacy topics with speakers from European institutions, ICT industry representatives and NGOs working directly in the field. On the first conference day conference participants will be invited to break into four working groups to discuss digital inclusion in terms of (1) Education, training, and certification, (2) Youth employability, (3) Vulnerable groups at risk of exclusion, and (4) Gender equality. In the evening best digital inclusion practice(s) will be awarded as the outcome of the Unite IT project call. To participate in the competition please submit your good practice by reading the following instructions.
eSkills and Jobs for the 21st century is the main focus of the second day with topic experts and enthusiasts debating challenges in two panels. An informative session on building the capacities of e-facilitators will be run in Pecha Kucha style: presentations with a limited number of slides so that more information is given to the audience. EU funding opportunities will be on the agenda as well. Third and final conference day will be dedicated to media literacy touching upon collaboration opportunities and showcasing the TMA project results with a specific focus on media literacy in Croatia.
European Commission’s ongoing campaign eSkills for Jobs and its sister initiative Grand Coalition for Digital Jobs provide the framework for this year’s conference.
Please visit our official conference website for more details: teannualconference.info

Telecentre-Europe Summit 2013 in Malta