23 Sep Media Advisory: TEAC 2014 and Unite-IT Digital Inclusion Award Ceremony
23 Sep, 2014
Telecentre Europe Annual Conference (TEAC) is an event organised by Telecentre Europe together with three European project partners: Unite-IT, Trans e-Facilitator and Telecentre Multimedia Academy and its local partner Telecentar. The aim of the event is twofold: firstly, to gather professionals working in digital inclusion and the eSkills adult education; secondly, to raise awareness about the role of eSkills in society for employment opportunities and social inclusion. TEAC is an official event of the European eSkills for Jobs Campaign.
Since 2008, Telecentre Europe has organised six annual gatherings for its member organizations and stakeholders. This year we are expecting more than 120 participants over the course of three days of in two venues in Zagreb: Hotel International and Croatian Heritage Association.
Conference themes and projects
Day 1, Sept 24th (Hotel International 14:00 – 18:00)
Presentation of the results of the European project and professional network on digital inclusion “Unite-IT”. Network members and working group leaders will discuss the challenges that digital inclusion intermediaries are facing, what is needed from policy or decision makers and what Unite-IT network members can provide. In the evening, four awards will be presented to the winners of the best digital inclusion practices in Europe (Unite-IT Award ceremony, held at the Croatian Heritage Association at 19.30h).
Day 2, Sept 25th (Croatian Heritage Association 9:00-16.00)
The second day is focused on eSkills and employment, structured around a series of panel discussions. It will be opened by Hrvoje Balen, Coordinator of the eSkills Campaign in Croatia and Mara Jakobsone, the Chair of Telecentre Europe’s board. After a keynote delivered by the Croatian university professor Predrag Pale, there will be series of lively panel discussions on eSkills and employment and the profession of eFacilitators. The project partners of the Trans eFacilitator project will moderate the afternoon sessions.
Day 3, Sept 26th (Hotel International 9:00-15.30)
The third day is focused on presenting the Telecentre Multimedia Academy European project and a discussion of media and information literacy skills, with a focus on adult education curriculum and experience of its implementation in various European countries.
TEAC Event Highlights:
- Best eInclusion practice Award ceremony: 24th September 19:30 at Croatian Heritage Association, Trg Stjepana Radica 3 ( Matis Lounge)
- Official Day 2 opening and Keynote speech: 25th September 9:00 at Croatian Heritage Association (Matis Lounge)
Social media channels
#TEAC14 and #eskills
Further information: available in a full media release and the official conference website.