04 Jun ALL DIGITAL Annual Report 2020
04 Jun, 2021
Undoubtedly, 2020 was a unique year for ALL DIGITAL and its network. For the first time in history digital skills became an absolute necessity. Digital skills are everywhere; digital policy is very high on the political agenda; and our aim is to establish ALL DIGITAL as the representative voice for digital competence development in Europe.
During this year of transition, ALL DIGITAL once more proved to be a trustworthy societal actor, addressing all European citizens and enabling them to benefit from digital transformation. We implemented numerous projects, some supporting competence development, some forward looking, others more research oriented; the mix clearly indicates the capacity and potential of our network. We paved the way for change at European level by establishing two very important Communities of Practice to support the evolution of DigComp and the birth of the European Digital Skills Certificate. We increased our visibility by organizing high profile events to promote ILAs and DEAP and by participating in networks and working groups.
Throughout 2020, ALL DIGITAL and its members were here, tireless and active.
We present our work and achievements of 2020 in this Annual Report. We highlight the key results, we present our strategic objectives and priority actions that had determined our work in the last 3 years, and how we aligned our activities with the Strategic Plan. We explain how we influenced public policy through policy events, policy statements and recommendations. Despite the challenges, we successfully realised the ALL DIGITAL Week campaign (mainly online), organised ALL DIGITAL Summit (online), and implemented 19 projects. We launched and hosted two major communities of practice. We maintained partnership and collaboration with other European networks, organisations and industry partners. Throughout 2020, ALL DIGITAL supported and received support from 74 member organisations.
(From the Report Foreword by Achilles Kameas, Chair of the Board, and Peter Palvolgyi, CEO)